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Photoshop Contest Entry #48742
Oh the controversy.

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Tore Tore
lol :)
splodge splodge
DLowrie DLowrie
leif leif
*claps* :D
pocketrk pocketrk
I think it's worth a vote
scotto scotto
**whoops** wanted to give you a vote too :)
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
Ouch, my side hurts.
luny luny
Rondo Rondo
joelfreeman joelfreeman
Technically well done, perfect blending, I'll look past the obvious cliche.
nyxxie nyxxie
Zetape Zetape
brneyedtxgrl brneyedtxgrl
base-zum base-zum
way 2 funny lmfao
rytec rytec
First... I am glad that X got the point. I was really tired of getting him on so many posts.. I hope we will see less of X. Second... That crap thumb you made really through me off. I was like how is that in the top 3. Then I clicked on it.. Great idea.. Very fun..
Square Square
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen, with the exception of blue's driving.
flyman flyman
can you post one of these every day, life would be much more of a laugh
eran eran
Excellent, you are a comic genius.
misterP misterP
I laughed, I cried...I love the ending so you get a vote!
ReinMan ReinMan
what can I say... genius type shit! :)
queen0fbats queen0fbats
this just cracks me up ... well done, whoever u are ... i like ur humour
lockfist lockfist
damn, this is cool
tcrkay tcrkay
long way to scroll down to vote, vote
blackfox blackfox
fluados fluados
This is a great dialogue
Doodler! Doodler!
babyface42 babyface42
I think its great !
Chopper Chopper
paradoxia paradoxia
i got a red x --vote
fzwarkatootl fzwarkatootl


vikas vikas
PHOTOSHOP GOES BIZZARE.... Is this a cartoon corner.....
scotto scotto
i'm waiting 3 days to see who my new friend is...f**king well done!
jyo jyo
i think this is pretty hilarious. But not fitting for people who take photoshop and PSC somewhat serious. Funny but out of place. . .
supak0ma supak0ma
aurthur, is that you talking to yourself again?
kevin-C kevin-C
original but cant vote
supak0ma supak0ma
i never got to see this image
danman danman
danman danman
Crispy Crispy
has nothing to do with the featured pic..
j-elzic j-elzic
sure it "tried" to open it.
Maqui Maqui
dude! you're in the wrong place... try it has nothing to do with photoshop, neither with scorpions.
Fugue Fugue
Nobody outside of PSC would "get it". Only we folk stare so expectantly at empty blue boxes... until the red x appears, then we groan and move on. It has everything to do with Photoshop - that's where the 90 frames were created in a big layered doc. About
Fugue Fugue
Hey, did I fool any of you with the thumbnail-bait? Check the forum-view :-)
Robaccomando Robaccomando
funny, but I don't see why it's getting all these votes for best manipulation of the original scorpion pic. This could have been done with any contest on PSC
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
your point being? Should the author have waited for a crappy source photo?
BigBobby BigBobby
wheres the Girl??????
Robaccomando Robaccomando
"waited for a crappy source photo"? Isn't the point of PSC to manipulate the featured pic?
KaBooM KaBooM
Crispy Crispy
I agree with everybody who is against this pic.. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SCORPION!! why is this getting votes?? I can make this in, let's say, a week or five, and post it in any contest!! 'Cause no source pic is used!
Crispy Crispy
yeah! psc staff: remove this pic!
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
bleh !
fiat_lux fiat_lux
oh, c'mon, stop complaning... ok, this has nothing to do w/ psc (well... maybe it has) but y'all have to agree that its goddamn funny... once in a while things like this have to happen around here! it's just so freakin' bizarre it starts making some sense
Robaccomando Robaccomando
it IS funny..I agree. But still... It's got nothing to do with photoshop manipulation skills pertaining to the featured pic. Which, again, is the point of this contest.
parker parker
i don't know...i sort of feel cheated that this has gotten so many votes. i submitted a photo that i did this morning when i saw the photograph, and this person had no time constraint. it's funny, and it should be seen, but when it's voted for, it's tak
Fugue Fugue
Once more for the hard of hearing (or reading). The featured scorpion pic is there. I put it on the same background as the thumbnail beach scene, then I made a nice sepia-tone... it was really lovely... then I mangled it for the animation above, but you c
Fugue Fugue
I'm just like Martin Luther King! This is an important landmark speech for GIF RIGHTS! ...I have a dream! Yes, GIF's may look different to their neighbours, but they have the same God-given rights as any other Photoshop art-form! Like the pioneers of t
fleshyman fleshyman
clever? yes. 20 + votes? F-NO!
Fugue Fugue
I hope everyone notices how patient I'm being with people who are just trashing my work here without even a single rational criticism. All I'm hearing from the negatives is "you can't do this, it's wrong, I don't like it" ...but it seems nobody can explai
Robaccomando Robaccomando
I said it was funny. But criticized how it's not really a manipulation of the Scorpion pic.(although you flashed a small section of it.) But anyway, that's just my *opinion*.
Fugue Fugue
I don't think it's a matter of opinion - you're factually incorrect. I explained the manipulation in my second to last comment (plus I did another manipulation just for my bait-thumbnail). Anyway - a lot more manipulation than some people get away with (e
fiat_lux fiat_lux
ok, here it goes: 1- the guy had an idea; 2- he IS playing by the rules (otherwise he wouldn't have his work published); 3- he's getting votes for that. conclusion: say what you will, it's not gonna change anything. get along w/ it. it is simple as
fiat_lux fiat_lux
someone help me out here: was there anything so controversial as this one here on psc before???
Fugue Fugue
To the guy who said I'm not someone who takes PSC serious, why don't you check out the increasing number of cut 'n' paste hacks who put up 15 posts of crap just so they can vote (eg: -a freakin dog?)
Fugue Fugue
... and meanwhile, I'll be judged by people like the doggy author.
Fugue Fugue
As Eminem might say if he were in my position: "Why won't you let me be me, cause we need a little controversy, You try to shut me down on PSC, But it feels so empty without me" :-)
Chukn8r Chukn8r
fiat_lux fiat_lux
this is getting better and better hehehe... ok, author, your work is good, and i do agree w/ your point of view. but it's enough. you're not gonna be a martir here.
parker parker
absolutely. i don't think you should have your right to gif denied. i just think it's a bit silly to be judged alongside my crappy photoshop, which i did in the hour following when i first saw the picture, you know?
Fugue Fugue
Ha! I guess we know your opinion of advantage users then. :-)
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
Funny ? First time, yes. Skill ? Not alot. 23 votes ? This place has become a joke !
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
Now, if only I could count :)
Fugue Fugue
I think you recent comment lads are just acting psycho for a laugh. You wanna turn this into Chicken's comment-crazy post ( ... But you won't press my buttons that easily. Either that or you're pro-GI
Fugue Fugue
FAQ--- 27. What image formats should I use? We only allow jpeg, gif and png images for posting. Animated gifs are ok, but please optimize to make the file sizes dial-up user friendly.
Fugue Fugue
It's people who don't respect this rule, that don't belong here... Hey, I'm still waiting for one negative person with a factually-based and rational comment. I'm hear to learn, so constructive criticism is welcome.
Fugue Fugue
I've answered that 'original pic' question 2 or 3 times now. Don't make me repeat it again - you can read it somewhere above. Each time I answer it, nobody denies it - so I'm sure you''ll be satisfied too. To anybody else, please check that your comment h
blackfox blackfox
I'd vote for this but it really needs to be optimized. Usually at this site, the sizes are 50-70k and not bigger than 550 px in one dimension. Please fix and repost.
Fugue Fugue
It's 82k let's not fuss about an extra 12k. For 90 frames of animation - that aint bad. If it was, dewking would have stopped by here with a comment (he's very diligent and thorough!) I did have a cropped version of this at about half the size, but unfort
Fugue Fugue
"the pic is the same"? You nutty little french person, you! :-) Can't be bothered reading back huh? Okay, here it is... (1) - I deep etched the scorpion, (2) I put it on a sand background (and a 2nd background in the thumbnail version) (3
fiat_lux fiat_lux
Fugue Fugue
Clearly, a GIF promo campaign is needed:
Fugue Fugue
GIF’s give so much and ask so little.
Fugue Fugue
Graphics Interchange Format. GIF!
Fugue Fugue
Optimise colours, not detail. GIF!
Fugue Fugue
Hitler. Stalin. Bin Laden. Hussein. …All grew up in a world without GIF’s. Coincidence?
Fugue Fugue
Gif Is Friend.
Fugue Fugue
It’s better to gif than receive.
Fugue Fugue
Gif it a try. Gif it a whirl. Gif it a vote.
Fugue Fugue
Just GIF it.
Fugue Fugue
Got GIF?
Fugue Fugue
GIF adds life!
Fugue Fugue
If an animated GIF of a tree fell in a forest, you wouldn’t hear a sound… because GIF’s don’t support sound... yet!
Fugue Fugue
Static or Animatic? GIF.
Fugue Fugue
GIF. Bet you can't stop at one.
Fugue Fugue
GIF. So much more in store!
Fugue Fugue
GIF. It really satisfies!
Fugue Fugue
God's gift to mankind.
Fugue Fugue
Santa Claus puts anti-GIF people on his "naughtly" list.
Fugue Fugue
Every time you GIF, an angel gets it's wings.
Fugue Fugue
At the end of every rainbow, there's a big pot of GIF.
Fugue Fugue
...and lo, they saw that the bread had become GIF, and the water had turned to GIF...and there was enough for all. Jesus smiled.
Fugue Fugue
You're too stiff if you never GIF.
Fugue Fugue
Make GIF not WAR.
Fugue Fugue
GIF. It's FIG spelt backwards ...and just as tasty!
Fugue Fugue
We’ve had 2 GULF wars but no GIF wars. GIF = World Peace
Fugue Fugue
GIF it all you've got. Then GIF it some more. GIF 110%
Fugue Fugue
GIF. Now with wings and a schfagnum core. Strong. Absorbent. Discreet.
Fugue Fugue
Give a Gift of Gif.
Fugue Fugue
GIF generously. GIF till it hurts.
Fugue Fugue
...'cause it's all about GIF and take.
Fugue Fugue
"We choose to GIF and to do the other things, not because they are easy, because they are hard." Pres. John F Kennedy
Fugue Fugue
"Beauty is GIF, GIF beauty,--that is all" - John Keats, Ode on a Grecian urn
Fugue Fugue
"To fear GIF is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead." - Bertrand Russell
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
Now you're starting to scare me author :)
adlib adlib
wtf :/
Chopper Chopper
I don't see the big issue with this. It's funny as hell, the dialogue is genius, and it has part of the original image in it. I've seen people post animated gifs where the object just moves across the screen. There's no manipulation in that. How is postin
Fugue Fugue
Commenter #92 - Thanks, you're too kind, aw shucks, don't mention it, etc... (but did you have to say"un-manipulated" again after all the arguing I've done above!?). Okay, big admission, my manipulations of the source are minor, but still mo
vikas vikas
thank god c#92 gave this a break...I was starting to believe that the author will come out with a blood stained knife in the end of his GIF'O'mania thoughts... Your sense of GIF is really too.....shit...damn.....I'm going berserk...
Fugue Fugue
Damn, you just gave me the idea for the best gif promo ever!
Fugue Fugue
Think Gifferent.

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 [untitled entry]
by Fugue
Created March 15, 2004
30 votes   95 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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