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Photoshop Contest Entry #49204

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bolo bolo
wow-what'd you render that in?
Tore Tore
PocketWater PocketWater
babyface42 babyface42
Very nice job , i like it
KaBooM KaBooM
The only one who gets praise for vector images, is Mezopunk. And Rightfully so. But you did a nice job nonetheless.
MoZub MoZub
Wow author.. you sure are sensitive and RUDE. The comment wasnt even that critical and youre being completely mean. What an ego maniac! You did an exceptional job... you really should use a sample of the pixels of the actual source in your pictures though... those are the rules and honestly the moderators might pull your post. I'm going to vote for it, but you need to grow up, watch your mouth.. and follow the rules.
gpowell gpowell
very nice
Rondo Rondo
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
Just take pride in knowing you did a great job on this, ignore the haters! Thye're just jealous. ... ps... I coulda done this.
sonnysan sonnysan
Good image !
Chopper Chopper
I'll vote for it, but only because it seems that Vikas is sorry for his reaction to the commentary. Way to admit fault and own up to it. That takes courage.
Raysc Raysc
fluados fluados
splodge splodge
metalic metalic
well done.... don't give up
paradoxia paradoxia
heres my vote
Doodler! Doodler!
16ozBud 16ozBud
deshone deshone
gravyboat gravyboat
"Despite the all the BS" vote.


wow, looks great!
Doodler! Doodler!
is this considered use of the source image?
vikas vikas
vikas vikas
c#2 Open ya eyes... and criticize sanely Go to this link it's no cutting and pasting of a jacket on squirrels back....It's hard work i did on the helmet of the firefi
vikas vikas
Sorry the helmet of the firefighter on right And FYI I'm no advantage user....
Cicero Cicero
I think it's all clear! #1 :D, I wish I could vote!
vikas vikas
Thanks Cic..c#3- .....I can see atleast few guys r there who know what photoshop means.....and when seniors who know the work better than me - put the ? mark (like c#2 )'s really sad on their part
haziel haziel
the link doesn't work for me... :( nonetheless, i still enjoyed the pic... p.s.- it's not easy putting a jacket on a squirrel.. them rodents wriggle... alot.
vikas vikas
Thanks Haziel...I think the link's not workin here's another
vikas vikas
Voter# 3...I wanted the pic to have a blend of both..photographic effect and a created one....just to give it a poster look describing it without words....
vikas vikas
My Squirrel Comment Wasn't for the The Squirrel Post in this contest....I'm Sorry if I hurt someone
KaBooM KaBooM
By the way, if I'm not mistaken, That's a prairie dog, not a squirrel...
Doodler! Doodler!
it's no cutting and pasting of a jacket on squirrels back.... If you are talking about my pic last week I painted it.. My comment wasnt ment to be bad.. I just wanted to know if you actually used something from the pic. I would have voted but you fuc
Doodler! Doodler!
dude, your comment to me was unfair.... I said nothing of the work you did and yet you felt you needed to bash me.. WTF. I dont bash people on psc. I asked a question. It looks like a render of a fire helmet. which is generic. you could have had it
haziel haziel
yea, i'm pretty sure it's a prairie dog...
MoZub MoZub
Wow author.. you sure are sensitive and RUDE. The comment wasnt even that critical and youre being completely mean. What an ego maniac! You did an exceptional job... you really should use a sample of the pixels of the actual source in your pictu
MoZub MoZub
oh and dont think I am disrespecting your work vikas... I think youre the most talented artist on this website ...but that doesnt give you the right to be insulting to others work.
deshone deshone
i thought i was 'the most talented artist on this website' .. damnit
Hiccup Hiccup
Yeah, technically this could get pulled. Needs the source pic. Also looks like a lot of work for a minimal effect. Oh well, you tried...
MoZub MoZub
well.. the most talented painter at least. Not the best photoshopper ;p
paradoxia paradoxia
this artists attitude lost him my vote
vikas vikas
Mozub...and doodler.... My words may have been a bit harsh...and I don't wanna prove myself a talented one either....U guys are seniors and more experienced and know about photoshop better than me....U know what i did from the source pic yet u asked t
vikas vikas
and again I say I'm sorry if i hurt someone it was unintentional
Doodler! Doodler!
I dont make rude comments.... so dont start fights
kma kma
yeah I don't know if this fits the rules but wow this is impressive! beautiful work!
vikas vikas
o.k sir i mean doodler sir.....
vikas vikas
and I apologize 2 all of u guy....coz i see when the God of PSC had faced this problem himself then who am i not even 5% of him
MoZub MoZub :)
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
Try square breathing sometime, then reply to your commenters.
vikas vikas
lol hanzeeq...thanks
Square Square
square breathing? Whaddya tryin' to say?
Chopper Chopper
Vikas...It's not against the rules to post negative comments, but I've found that by posting critiques pointing out what is wrong with a post, well, it really does effect the amount of votes. Even worse, when the author responds negatively, it does even m
Chopper Chopper
BTW...Nobody cares about if it is advantage or not, because advantage users typically take the same amount of time on their posts and the ones who don't have advantage. I never spend more than an hour on a post (unless it's a tourney post, but that's diff
vikas vikas
Thanks Chopper ....U R A Wise man..with wise words....I'll follow your advice...promise.....
Raysc Raysc
paradoxia paradoxia
i was the person that said: "this artitsts attitude has lost him my vote" well, i have decided that im voting for the art, and not the attitude, and i like this, so i shall vote. thank you for apologizing.
joelfreeman joelfreeman
perspective, people

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 [untitled entry]
by vikas
Created March 21, 2004
20 votes   37 comments
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