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Photoshop Contest Entry #53621

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Snapplelush Snapplelush
Nice work......
karus karus
A beautiful's a vote for peace.
ScionShade ScionShade
Beautiful Image. :-I
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
"friggin pop-up book" comment vote
Chukn8r Chukn8r
betdoval betdoval
well done, great idea vote :)
jaysen jaysen
well done!


DoctorWu DoctorWu
For all those who made the ultimate sacrifice on all sides.
ho0ly ho0ly
What the hell? I hope you're not trying to use all that's going on to your advantage to steal votes.. o.O That's a bit fucked up if you ask me.
ScionShade ScionShade
For all those who made the ultimate sacrifice on all sides.No insult intended, but are you off your medication or something? Omar and Bob shot eachother, both died, let's honor them both for their bravery.see how that sounds?
ScionShade ScionShade
This is the most reluctant vote I have ever given.The image is just too well done, not to.That said, the image has a caption,a thought provoking one, and would have been excellent, until the additional caption in comments rruins the whole mood. :-I
DoctorWu DoctorWu
Peace is the sentiment for the dead, there is no peace for the living and besides it's a friggin pop-up book....
ho0ly ho0ly
You could have made a popup book out of anything. The fact that you made it all "ultimate sacrifice"ey to con people into voting for you is sickening.
DoctorWu DoctorWu some people become so confused and mistaken about the authors intent, never ceases to amaze me. The assumpution that I'm coning votes is just bizzare. Also I am learning to forgive, you can too, SS, start with the dead, they are the easiest.....s

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 [untitled entry]
by DoctorWu
Created May 31, 2004
8 votes   7 comments
w x h (8,588KB)

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