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Photoshop Contest Entry #54606

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billtvshow billtvshow
i feel like crying, and i didnt even enter, unbelievable
lockfist lockfist
SONOFABITCH!! i was going to do the exact same thing
the202 the202
sonnysan sonnysan
ho ! Great job indeed !
Chopper Chopper
Great job!
batichan batichan
great work!!! I think is great
Rondo Rondo
occecid occecid
The rules state: ... take a pre-chosen image, manipulate it how ever you like and post it ...“ You can use any program you want. There is no mention of Photoshop or any other AdobeŪ product. Hopefully that puts that issue to rest. Meanwhile, hats off for an excellent job. Great idea and execution.
jasper jasper
:) good stuff.
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
The source was used here, as reference. Nice job.
Square Square
looks great to me
Chukn8r Chukn8r
Raysc Raysc
*=J=* *=J=*
speedial speedial
love the comments too
qqqqq qqqqq
16ozBud 16ozBud
tjsnaps tjsnaps


Megaloman Megaloman
what did u use to render?
volkswes volkswes
3DS Max??
hellraiser hellraiser
lockfist lockfist
Even if a 3d program was used, they still had to use photoshop to make the textures
zioli zioli
WOW!! Hard work here! Good job.
Shampoo Shampoo
this is absolutely a 3d-program
Shampoo Shampoo
textures can be made with 3d-program
Chopper Chopper
Not necessarily a 3D program. Anyone with a good eye for perspective could have done this in photoshop. I think it's great, regardless of what was used. Personally, I consider this site to be an image editing contest website, not exclusive to Photoshop.
arcaico arcaico
Of course it was made in a 3D Program, Commentor #4... It was rendered in 3DS Max, #commentor#1... But as Commentor#5 said, the textures were made in Photoshop... I had to redraw the whole table, including the snakes and points, in the exact position, and
bobobo1 bobobo1
this seems to be inspired by the source image, but it doesn't include any of the source image. I agree that it is a superb use of a 3D program, but not Photoshop.
lockfist lockfist
"and also had to model the toy... " ...don't make it sound like it was anything tough to model...:) also if you used max 5 or 6 you should have used the new looks amazing!!!
supak0ma supak0ma
it is a superb use of a 3D program, obviously u dont know 3d programs
hellraiser hellraiser
I agree with you Commentor#13... it is nothing, compared to what a 3D program can do... but to be honest, my main idea was to learn 3D... it's the first job I do in Max... I just wanted to have some feedback, and this image seemed perfect for that... it i
arcaico arcaico
ooops... the above comment is mine... my brother was logged and I forgot to logoff... :P
arcaico arcaico
Thank you voter #8! :D
arcaico arcaico
By the way, commentor#8, I donīt think itīs possible to make textures with 3d programs, once textures are bitmaps... you can APPLY textures on 3d programs, but not do them...
lockfist lockfist
and i am sorry for all the critiques, but i already voted :) you should have put a reflection map on the ball, i think it would have added a little more to the scene
G43L G43L
great job arcaico... really great indeed... itīs just the first one... donīt mind the critics... i really liked !!! someday i will try something like this...
arcaico arcaico
Commentor #18 (voter #2), thereīs nothing to be sorry for... critiques are always welcome! :) Thatīs why there is this space for comments.
arcaico arcaico
Iīd say 35% PS, 25% Freehand and 40%3DMax, commentor #21...
Chopper Chopper
I can see all the people who don't know 3DSmax shaking in their boots. The bar has just been raised. Good job Arcaico.
raquelwinter raquelwinter
great job!!
Zetape Zetape
This is a passable 3DSMAX work. My only comment to people working with 3d-visualisaion-stuff is PAY ATTENTION TO LIGHT!!! You can usually get away with shoddy modelling, but lighting has to be good. This loks like it is the moon. Too sharp light, too da
Zetape Zetape
arcaico arcaico
I'm glad it's "passable" Zetape! :) It's the first thing I did on 3dMax... passable is way more than what I expected! ;)
YerPalAl YerPalAl
My only criticism is that the overall scene is a little too underlit, hard to see. Nice first effort though.
supak0ma supak0ma
try maya, way better imo

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by arcaico
Created June 18, 2004
18 votes   27 comments
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