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Pulp Diction
Pulp Diction

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HKlevjer HKlevjer
grageageegra wow, bmy backspace butotton down't work, its graeat! great gif. its insane
$umo $umo
Hmmm...the humor is really boring and un-funny, but here's a vote for lots of hard work.
Wett Wett
please optimize your sagas ;) thanks for taking the time to do this!
supak0ma supak0ma
Master Master
well donee
Darkshrimp Darkshrimp
nice work
ACass ACass
Very amusing!
ReinMan ReinMan
Wow it is like watching a TV SHOW. I had a goat once who liked TV SHOWs.... his name was Billy. Billy rhymes with Silly. Oh, and this GIF is SO SILLY it gives me the WILLIES! STILL, me thinks I'll give it a EasyFlow SillyShow vote de jour....
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
I hate McDonalds, but I love Heroin. =)
styson styson
crazy, really unique
qqqqq qqqqq
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bluefist bluefist
This was great. Thank you very much.
lol, i love the part about the closed sign
Bababooey Bababooey
It's good but I don't see it winning. Good luck friend.
Raysc Raysc
I's a bit strange but I can see you put some time into it and for that I present you with this, A VOTE
ScionShade ScionShade
HA! people vote like crazy on stupid three minute pole dancer shots, and then they have a problem with this??? Nice effort, and fun author, weird, but fun :-I
PotHed PotHed
you slut
jasper jasper
nancers nancers
I'm not reading all those comments vote - the author spent a lot of time on this vote
vikas vikas
it's good...and different
splodge splodge
who's trying to stop the fun, if the author has the time and inclination to entertain us then good luck to them


billtvshow billtvshow
Here is a slightly larger version: is a slightly larger version: is a slightly larger version:
hacky hacky
Please tell me where I may find a slightly larger version. Thank you.
yikesz yikesz
ROFL can you vote for comments too ;-))
billtvshow billtvshow
i'm not sure why its posted it so many times!
Bababooey Bababooey
this is stupid, no offence
3rian 3rian
I honestly feel my IQ dropping after viewing this.
renato renato
My GOD, I need to go to the EYE DOCTOR now. am I reading right? Is there a slightly larger version at [img] Great work on the animation.
theplague theplague
Lucky it was already close to zero :]
billtvshow billtvshow
The whole comment thing was weird, but I figured out what happened. It wasn't a site glitch. It was a cut and paste error type thing.
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
I am baffled why this is getting so many votes, but congrats to the author nonetheless.
billtvshow billtvshow
I knew the comments would be mixed, but I took a chance here by trying something very new and out my own ordinary routine. Thanks to the voters and various commentors.
MDonoughe MDonoughe
Your image would be much smaller if it wasn't so noisey. Did you add noise to the frames, or did your compressor do that? I was going to optimize it for you, but it didn't have any impact.
billtvshow billtvshow
To be quite honest, I'm don't know all that much about optimizing animated gifs, though I did spend a lot of time working on look versus size with this one, I think I may know what you are talking about though.
WhatzTaterz WhatzTaterz
Geez, I wonder if this was posted by billtvshow?
billtvshow billtvshow
He could just be hosting it for me, you never know... I like your user name by the way (WhatzTaterz), that was one of the funniest parts of the whole trilogy.
malcinbl malcinbl
reminds me, i must finish my animation of war and peace..... yawn yawn
geekdiggy geekdiggy
geez i have farts that don't even last as long as this gif
PotHed PotHed
i have farts that DO last longer than this gif
Fugue Fugue
I never understood why drugs are always considered funny. I still don't. Maybe I need to take more drugs. Some of this was funny though.
billtvshow billtvshow
Thanks for the vote Fugue, since this was partially inspired by this post of yours: (conversation) and this one by PotHed: (Storyline)
splodge splodge
who's trying to stop the fun, if the author has the time and inclination to entertain us then good luck to them
billtvshow billtvshow
Thanks for all the votes and comments, whether good or bad or somewhere in between, that's what it's all about.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
here I am cruising around the underbelly of PSC, & I come across this nugget, I dribble coffee down my chin as my laughing negates the stability of my closed coffee filled mouth, & my keyboard gets a soaking. This is damn to continue my cruise
marcoballistic marcoballistic
oh and heres to kicking it oldskool :oP nice one Ste

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 Pulp Diction
by billtvshow
Created June 24, 2004
21 votes   24 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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