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Photoshop Contest Entry #55952

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Pixel426 Pixel426
Is the bird supposed to just be going along when the 911 happened or is he going to be hit? ;p
Terminator! Terminator!
I think this pic is asking for trouble
DLowrie DLowrie
Pixel426 Pixel426
I think the bird is acting like well all birds. When the car goes by they like to swoop under really fast, this bird well likes bigger risks!
theplague theplague
Does it mean the plane was just following the bird and not aiming at the building ?
jsolimeo jsolimeo
is the plane going backwards?
ScionShade ScionShade
No nudity, but this is ok. Being someone who is totally all for the restriction on nude and obsenely vulgar post, I'd rather see Nancers man-hiney images than this.
malcinbl malcinbl
author you should remove this picture it's in serious bad taste - this just isn't for laughing at. Sorry it really offends me!
theplague theplague
Well, it's his point of view, and I respect that... freedom of speech (and chopin') is allowed in your country I think. If it offends you, stop looking at it. I don't think this picture is either funny or interesting, but I don't see why the author should
hacky hacky
I have the right to think it's asine. There are some things you don't joke about. And it's not even done well.
robbie42 robbie42
there should be a "reduce author's votes" button
theplague theplague
You have the right to think, he has the right to post this kind of pictures... It would be ok for you if it was nicely done ? I don't get it... The author is probably looking for people like you to react... be smarter and ignore him :]
theplague theplague
Not that I want to defend this picture, the author should defend his point of view ... not me...but let's imagine this picture is not insulting for the people who died in there, their family, friends etc... The author maybe means that whatever the events
sig753 sig753
This may sound stupid, maybe the Author is suggesting that the bird is pulling the plane away from the building in some kind of way. Hell, I don't know.
Terminator! Terminator!
Maybe since airplanes don't have reverse (which is true), the bird is pushing it backwards. that's why th plane looks like it's going backwards. Maybe That's what the author meant?
kmoneygd kmoneygd
good thinking...but keep it away from that subject...kinda sensitive, no?
brechtje85 brechtje85
it offends me too...not a good idea
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
If the plane were gone, and the bird had a turban on it's head and dynamite strapped to its back... no it would still be in terribly poor taste. Just the fact that people post this kind of crap because they think it's funny gives me little hope the futur
L-dawg L-dawg
I think the author should get negative votes. This post is about a negative 20 so far....
abacate abacate
i`m the author sorry people, who was offended by but I just wanna put the bird in historical situation and its my right to do it , and i dont wanna to meke fun about the 911, so i will not delete the picture thanks for those who defended me see ya
abacate abacate
and will continue postin pictures like that e quem gostou gostou quem nao gostou vai pro caralho!!!!!
PicfixED PicfixED
I wasn't going to comment on this. I don't have a probelm with freedom of expression but author, your first comment was OK but your last comment looks like you are putting it in our faces. As someone who used to work there who lost a lot of friends It's
occecid occecid
OK, I'll cut some slack to this newbie for poor taste in subject matter. Given time they will learn. However, the photoshopping job is a bit strange as well. The "motion blur" seems to be going in the wrong direction. Did you do that or is it part of t
HandToolUK HandToolUK
The "motion blur" seems to be going in the wrong direction. - I'm not going to enter into the whole controversy over the pic itself, but I agree about the Photoshopping. And isn't the bird HUGE? Look at the size of it in relation to the nose and un

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by abacate
Created July 15, 2004
0 votes   24 comments
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