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Photoshop Contest Entry #59500

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billtvshow billtvshow
leif leif
hermann3000 hermann3000
bw pictures rarely get a lot of votes
KaBooM KaBooM
I got 16 votes for a black and white picture a few weeks ago...
pietjepuk pietjepuk
this pic works allot better bw sets the mood moeha
batichan batichan
great work, I love b&w pics!!!
wunderpants wunderpants
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Good use of classic train pic. Would've been cool to change the 2 characters to "period" dress too, IMO... :)
pkzac pkzac
very creative
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
terraform terraform
neutura neutura
(i hate when people write "bla bla vote" ... it so FUCKING IRRITATING!!!!... for the love of god, PLEASE STOP IT!!!)-VOTE!
occecid occecid
This is a "I want to irritate voter number 12" vote. (Not to mention this is really outstanding)
ReinMan ReinMan
Obernik Obernik
anfa anfa
Bluesbro Bluesbro
Whoa ... nicely done
Square Square
very nice
styson styson


billtvshow billtvshow
bw pics ought to get more votes
splodge splodge
i thought the same HT but i was having a lazy day:)
Rascal Rascal
Very nice. If I could vote, I would.
paperbag paperbag
Ehh, a vodafone board behind the window? A mobile network in the '40s '50s :)

 Market Place
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 [untitled entry]
by splodge
Created December 15, 2004
19 votes   4 comments
475w x 356h (71KB)

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