Had fun doing this one. Trying to make the leather look like meat was harder than I thought it would be. Took alot of experimentation and I finally found a use for the plastic wrap tool that had nothing to do with plastic. Hmm go figure. |
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WTF? Where did all that descriptive stuff that I just typed as I was uploading go? Well I say it here: Trying to get the leather to look like meat was harder than I thought it would be. But I did finally find a use for the platic wrap filter that had noth
I had meat like that once ;-) you should get rid of the wrench ..... the meat looks good, the wrench not....and maybe the knife on top of the meat
The Knife is under the meat in the source. I'm not looking for perfection, I am just doing them for fun, and if it was perfect then I couldn't be a PS Poser ;)
was only trying to help........ sorry :-(
LOL. Dont be sad. You're gonna make me e-cry. I know what you mean though I added the wrench to head off the "not enough of the source comments" just incase.
PSp, watch this space for an answer: photoshopcontest.com...
[untitled entry]
by PSposer
Created November 14, 2004
9 votes
544w x 404h (73KB)
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