i had no idea where i was going with this but here where it ended though ti might show you guys why i got into ps in the first place it was really difficult to decide which photos of grandbaby to use as he is only 3 and i have over 5000 of him lol o |
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here is a cute vote msfrig
i had no clue where i was going with this but this is where i ended up thought i might show you guys why i got into ps in the first place it was very difficult to decide which photos of grandbaby to use he is only 3 and i have over 5000 pics of him
by the way i built the weapon .... if he cuts his way loose from there we are all in trouble lol
Meeshoo Klan
:D I wish I had more then 25 votes
It's got a Silence of the Lambs early years theme. *Book Deal* Reminds me of a photo of me at that age painting. Paintee actually! *laughing*
[untitled entry]
by msfrigyfrog
Created January 13, 2005
1 votes
550w x 600h (62KB)
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