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Photoshop Contest Entry #67025
The pic looks weird I tried centering it but it still came out like this if you have any suggestions It will be great

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thetwins thetwins
Simple. Sobre. I like this.
Gevork Gevork
good job i like it
jazgraphic jazgraphic
You did well; added touch works!
claudiolky claudiolky
msfrigyfrog msfrigyfrog
siem siem
ScionShade ScionShade
Excellent Image!!! shadows need a little evening out, but Nice Chopp and concept. :-I
Square Square
kopeski kopeski
velocity velocity


Powershot1973 Powershot1973
I tried to get this flush with the wall but had trouble if you can give me tips on how to do this It would help thank you
jazgraphic jazgraphic
If using windows platform, the tranform mode (cmd T) , then right click, play around with perspective and/or skew.
Gevork Gevork
use the edit>transform>distort and grab the longer end and make it even
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Gevork is right; I work off of both Mac and PC and still confuse command with control key discriptions! And as often as I use distort, I forgot to mention it. I use the shortcut keys so much, I forgot about edit, transform, distort, perspective, etc.
Powershot1973 Powershot1973
Ok I hope this is much better I did what Gevork said to do I also some additions on the left wall I made a dagger and on top I made a greek like mask all out of this PC has given us

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 [untitled entry]
by Powershot1973
Created January 22, 2005
10 votes   5 comments
550w x 449h (39KB)

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