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Photoshop Contest Entry #69328

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ramba ramba
great idea
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
siem siem
very crafty
MoZub MoZub
arcaico arcaico
clean... good job!
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
jmh132 jmh132
well done
Zingaro Zingaro
not so easy...very good
serious serious
nyxxie nyxxie
Square Square
I don't know what to say other than this is fantastic. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the almost seems to hover, I think due to no shadows where the router rests on/touches the reflective surface? I'm no good at shadows and reflections though, so I hope you get better feedback. :^)
kooi kooi
ED209 ED209
Wow! Very nicely done!
occecid occecid
This is very good. It IS a lot of work.
batichan batichan
this is great, dont know why I didnt see it before? is not in the ´default page´ is weirddddd, well, is a great work!!!
Hal23 Hal23
12384bob 12384bob
Very nice work
volkswes volkswes
Good idea and very nicely done!
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Nice refletion work, I like the way you kept the glass thickness in the left hand corner, gives more depth to the image and I like the very subtle change in light under the rourter. Construtive feedback...well be nice to your Mum and always say thankyou.
HandToolUK HandToolUK
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Stunning. You did a great job on this
Fugue Fugue
Like batichan, I never saw this before either (but it is on the default pages now anyway)... that is weird. Great work. Poor Leif!
Cynn Cynn
This is an excellent flip. Kudos!
fedrodrig fedrodrig
irishstu irishstu
Man, this is amazing. Well done, and I really like the attention to detail with the reflections, especially the front leg, for example.


chawn2323 chawn2323
Looks very simple, but actually took quite a bit of work. Thanks for the votes, as I wasn't expecting many due to the stiff competition.
chawn2323 chawn2323
If anyone has the time, could you please leave some construtive feedback. It would be much appreciated.
chawn2323 chawn2323
What do you mean batichan, am I not on the default page?
leif leif
DAMN!!!... 10X better than mine... no votes left sorry

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 [untitled entry]
by chawn2323
Created February 27, 2005
25 votes   6 comments
475w x 382h (65KB)

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