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the three puppets
the three puppets
69.319 KB, gif surround technology

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screwloose screwloose
Very Cool!
nyxxie nyxxie
Lady Croft Lady Croft
billtvshow billtvshow
comming soon vote!
karus karus
way 2 cool
pacoperez pacoperez
zebob zebob
that is great. it may be the first gif i see win a contest
velocity velocity
st1n3r st1n3r
nancers nancers
ronni3264 ronni3264
This is COOL!!!!!
Patre Patre
Very clever...
theduplicate theduplicate
nice !!!...
arcaico arcaico
dude... this is awesome!!!!!!
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Yeah this is outstanding, nice one.
mint mint
supak0ma supak0ma
v good ;)
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
Only 1 M in coming :)
efunk efunk
nice gif!
ramba ramba
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
jazgraphic jazgraphic
The best gif I've seen on PSC, good work!
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
zetspat zetspat
I want comp tickets!!!
leif leif
good stuff
dbbowling dbbowling
Brent Brent
KidCaeser KidCaeser
Dside666 Dside666
very nice
Williamm Williamm
way cool
anfa anfa
HKlevjer HKlevjer
you got my vote, LAD
clangschultz clangschultz
Had a similar idea but didnt wind up posting it.. good job much more elaborate than mine
Serps Serps
demasiadoman demasiadoman
REALLY cool bug!
jerry717 jerry717
Nice idea!
ReinMan ReinMan
Great Giffy, dude! :D
anmazondi anmazondi
very good job!
chrispis chrispis
great gif!!! wheeeeee
spencej1129 spencej1129
very nice...
sysop912 sysop912
Chuckies girls. :)
Applepoo Applepoo
missrobin74 missrobin74
fuc*ing cool
splodge splodge
mbrna mbrna
madraven madraven
yankeeben yankeeben
serious serious
rashdog rashdog
JoePhila JoePhila
Nuttdriver Nuttdriver
Nice work!! I usually don't vote for gifs.
Chukn8r Chukn8r
Michel Michel
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
irishstu irishstu
The lighting when the door opens is just incredible. EXCELLENT.
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
fempie fempie
Robaccomando Robaccomando
nice job. (my post is a scene from your movie? hehe)
galvatronix galvatronix
Bluesbro Bluesbro
What a great theme ... nice gif Bug
dunno dunno
great one!
flamur flamur
nice one m8
siem siem
jaysen jaysen
FinnishFlash FinnishFlash
IvanPanov IvanPanov


Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
(may want to fix 'coming,' but probably not worth losing your place over.)
buglover buglover
,fixed that "coming". thanx for spelling ...äh thx fot telling and thx for votes and comments ;-)
Cambria Cambria
Wow.. spooky! I wish I could vote!
Motorhead Motorhead
Great job, a winner here!
buglover buglover
Maybee I should have listened to FH ;-) but anyway thx a lot for comments and votes!

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 the three puppets
by buglover
Created May 17, 2005
68 votes   5 comments
475w x 316h (68KB)

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