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Photoshop Contest Entry #80208
just a Michael Jackson banner or forum signature i guess , it just came out this way

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Cambria Cambria
Creative composition (even though I'm not wild about Michael).
rockyk rockyk
My last vote. I like your colors. I like his music but not him anymore. Too freaky now. I live about 4 miles away from the house he grew up in. The Jackson 5 played a dance at my dads high school. Not my claim to fame just maybe of interest to someone.
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
very disigny. :D
hungry hungry
I like it. Rocky, you should sell blades of grass from his yard on ebay. :-)
Goldberg Goldberg
Michael Jackson Vote!


Bergkamp Bergkamp
that's ok cambria , if the hole world decided to agree on one opinion , that opinion would be to destroy the world , i am one of the millions that love Michael , he is the best , so no problem , thanks for the vote :-)
Bergkamp Bergkamp
so you live in gary indiana , that's cool , and about MJ , he is not that freaky , maybe because of the makeup , but he can't help his skin ,he has a skin vitligo , but you said it you like his music , and that's all that matters :-)

 Toyota FJ
Toyota FJ zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by Bergkamp
Created July 17, 2005
5 votes   2 comments
475w x 275h (71KB)

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