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Photoshop Contest Entry #81354

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Joeyb6571 Joeyb6571
Sometimes a cleanup is not a bad thing to do.


Chaos_Th3ory Chaos_Th3ory
Is this your FIRST entry, because anyone can paint red, be a little more creative. (like notice the erm... thingy looks like an eye, and then make a person)
yomar yomar
Your comments really crack me up....!
yomar yomar
And if you look closer, the red is painted WITHIN the lines... something only masters are able to do.... Sorry I'm outta votes to crown this, Queeny!
Chaos_Th3ory Chaos_Th3ory
"WITHIN" what lines? WHAT LINES?
yomar yomar
But surely an exquisite artist as yourself must know what I'm talkin' about....
queenofnightsky queenofnightsky
Chaos,the thing is in very bad need of recoat, b4 further adornment, don't u think so?:-)
yomar yomar
'nuff said...
Chaos_Th3ory Chaos_Th3ory
Do u mean the lines of the gas cap? what? I dont get it? WHAT LINES? is my monitor dirty? so many questions.... ? you could make it more like a car by cloning...
Chaos_Th3ory Chaos_Th3ory
OH! i see now, thats a pretty cool paint job, but could be more creative...

 Rusting Gas Cap
Rusting Gas Cap zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by queenofnightsky
Created August 03, 2005
1 votes   9 comments
550w x 413h (28KB)

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