all coppers are i seen this hand before...this is crap but there r worse who have gained a vote so here goes |
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Kevin, I get your point--noone else is gonna bother to sympathize with you. You know, if you were a smartass about it but didn't go overboard..your protest would have been worthwhile, but this is just lame.You didn't need to be nasty about it.
If you hadn't gone overboard you coulda made yer point well. AND one last thing, some of the people you are directing your anger at are just beginning to explore photoshop, and it is way uncool for you to be trying to discourage that..
just give this up before you end up banded and never being able to come back. It aint worth it.
grim up north
by kevin
Created October 09, 2005
0 votes
300w x 212h (58KB)
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