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indian boot
indian boot

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blue_lurker blue_lurker
ScottyMiami ScottyMiami
very good!
jad3 jad3
kingmatt kingmatt
I'll take two please in a size 9
ramba ramba
TheShaman TheShaman
it puts the lotion in the basket! IT PUTS THE LOTION IN THE BASKET!
mikey mikey
Great photoshop work!> funny image too!!
pitbullz pitbullz
theduplicate theduplicate
YAY !!
claudiolky claudiolky
art vote
tabby275 tabby275
lyaudaine lyaudaine
tallwalker tallwalker
Very very well done....should have many more votes!!
Cambria Cambria
wow! I can't believe this didn't get more votes~! 8� please
Persuader Persuader
im agree with itzsibi, its important too choose the right source to make an image, NOT ONLY but its important. i like your chop though, nice integration and coloring/lighting - good work =)


SicklyPeople SicklyPeople
when did u make the feet shoes earlier. to put the tiny part of the faded indian right on top easily and quick. lol. nice, origional, amazing use of the source..........
masty_tm masty_tm
nice ideea
Showcase Showcase
I dont know...I cant help but wonder how much you actually did.
Showcase Showcase
you'll have to cut and paste the link....this also might be one of those where you should ask for permission from the original artist.
IrieBwoy IrieBwoy
i thought this would be the winner but after i saw that source... :(
itzsibi itzsibi
like desiging , selection is also Important. thats why i selected this source. thanks .
itzsibi itzsibi
i think showcase always his own image in the contest . if so we should appreciate him ..
Showcase Showcase
I dont understand most of what you said itzsibi....But, people trying to wow us with the photoshop work of someone else is a pain in the ass. Don't worry, your cut and paste isnt too bad.
Showcase Showcase
anyway, it is a nifty picture and if you had replaced the background with that from the starting image, it might be a bit better. you wont get better if you dont at least try to do the PS work on your own. You should actually try that tut, it might help.
itzsibi itzsibi
sorry showcase, I cant make people wow with ass paining works , i can wow this way also. hahhaha .....
itzsibi itzsibi
but i keep ur valuable advice and will try to make it practical. thanks onca again
Showcase Showcase
Hey, you added my link to your comments. good job. best to be honest in these cases.
itzsibi itzsibi
yes dude , I'm a newcomer in photoshop contest , I'm learninng things from genius people like you . i'm expecting more from you . you can always advice me frankly.
SicklyPeople SicklyPeople
your purting forwards the perception that what you posted was actually your work. my best advice to you is to NOT start with someones elses work then add to it or anything along those lines. people will call you a copier or w/e. b/c u kind of are...
SicklyPeople SicklyPeople
your purting forwards the perception that what you posted was actually your work. my best advice to you is to NOT start with someones elses work then add to it or anything along those lines. people will call you a copier or w/e. b/c u kind of are...
itzsibi itzsibi
I totally accep what you people are talking about . but the point is that how many of you are working with your own picture? you might have copying it from some other source , like that only I've copied a suitable picture for my work . itz my right
itzsibi itzsibi
and when i realized that i've to make a note about the the generator , i added the link in the comment. so what irritates you.
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
Wait, what is w/e? Couldn't figure that out. To throw in my two cents (if not sense) to the debate: Using outside source doesn't automatically make you a biter...but using outside source that's been professionally chopped might be a bit dece
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
itzsibi: the problem isn't that you used someone else's pic. the problem is that it wasn't originally referenced. You should try to duplicate the same pic with your own sources and work. that would earn respect and votes.
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
qlt: "w/e" = "whatever". itzsibi: good find on the tutorial though!
thbeghin thbeghin
[img] !!! hahahaha
Showcase Showcase
Tofu, itzsibi did NOT find the tutorial. thats the whole arguement. He only added it after I pointed it out.
SicklyPeople SicklyPeople
what irritates me is that ppl r goin 2 think that you made the laces and the shoe part on the feet when you did not. you knew this when you posted it. if ur goin 2 sample some1s img dont use a finished photoshop piece, and only change 2% of the origional!
SicklyPeople SicklyPeople
we're not focusing on that you sampled a pic. every1 OBVIOUSLY does that. we just dont take other ppls photoshopart, change 2% of it. and call it good. knowing that unsuspecting ppl will think that you created 100% of the img. not 2%. you are 98% liar
SicklyPeople SicklyPeople
Showcase Showcase
easy sickly, the guy/girl said they understood...Im sure it happens more than we know, just sometimes...we get lucky ;)
TheShaman TheShaman
i was one of the ones who thought they did it all....
TheShaman TheShaman
even so though... IT PUTS THE LOTION IN THE BASKET! :D
wcgems wcgems
itzsibi itzsibi
What comedy is going on here.hahhahaaaa.... I didnt think that this much problem it makes . I still beleive that noone can make unwanted comments since i've placed the authors link . so shut up every mouth...
ScionShade ScionShade
HA! Sickleypeople posted an unchopped found image in yesterdays contest.HA!
itzsibi itzsibi
sickly people always peeps others doors b4 he makes something .hahhaha....
ScionShade ScionShade
Please bare in mind that Sickley was banned from PSC already and has come back--Why he is being allowed to stay?Don't ask me.
itzsibi itzsibi
No let him stay here , because he makes fun ... we need this kind of people too. Actually I'm learning something since I'm participating this contest. and sometime due to heavy workload this kind of things happen. itz natural. what do u think Scio
ScionShade ScionShade
What do I think? I think since the baby came , I sit here with the baby looking at my own personal PSC boobtube a little too much. It's ok, she'll be crawling soon-watch ut world. :-)
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
i made a poopie.
ScionShade ScionShade
I was wondering what those little specks were on the floor- I thought they might be smart pills.
itzsibi itzsibi
thank u all , i think all contrevorsy on this image has been over ,. lets hunt the next one. ahhahaha

 Indian Boot
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 indian boot
by itzsibi
Created October 28, 2005
15 votes   38 comments
514w x 525h (59KB)

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