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Vector of a foot
Vector of a foot
25 Layers, Shoe drawn entirely with pen, Lines are stroked paths, Floor is Noise with motion blur. about an hour and a half. My third vector

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mikey mikey
Great vector drawing! ~ clean! ~
anabrin anabrin
Persuader Persuader
wow -what mikey said - really good work FF =)
Heinlein Heinlein
Spritle Spritle
Very nice
bashar bashar
karell karell
good job :>)
Tijn Tijn
looks nice!
mason4300 mason4300
nice! Now tell me how to do vectors...I only got a 30 second brief on what they are in my computer class. :(
claudiolky claudiolky
great...I'm learning how to do that at PS CS2... lot of work!!!
Kansas Kansas
Vector Drawing vote.
delucx delucx
cool! :)
ScionShade ScionShade


beans_n_toast beans_n_toast
makes my eyes hurt looking at the floor!!! but still pretty cool :-D
FootFungas FootFungas
I used this this tut

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 Vector of a foot
by FootFungas
Created January 19, 2006
13 votes   2 comments
550w x 413h (72KB)

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