I had zoomed in to about 200% when I was trying to figure out what to do with this image, and I noticed that one of the knobs on the tree looked a whole lot like a face. Whoa. |
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Whew, thanks mikey. I was hoping someone would vote just so I know I'm not going crazy.
No your not going crazy" I see faces in trees and clouds all the time! and in rocks too! ~ That's the artists minds eye" always seeing things other people dont. but when you point it out to them they go, Oh ya" I did'nt see that' good eye! ~
Haha thanks. Now maybe I can sell the pic on ebay for some _crazy_ amount of money :) Didn't some guy sell like a french-fry or something that looked" like Jesus for some ridiculous bid?
Queen La Tiff
presentt, you may want to see the "satan in a washcloth" forum topic
I found Jesus!
by presentt
Created January 29, 2006
7 votes
550w x 474h (75KB)
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