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Crystal Turtle
Crystal Turtle
source [img] I wil NEVER do Crystal again, Damn this was hard !!

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wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
I know it was hard for you and you did work on it for hours to get it right. We are not al experts here some people are learning and are most proud at what they create. I think you have every right to be proud. You get my vote!
mikey mikey
Good effort" ~ keep practicing, no one knows it all, everyone cuts and pastes stuff! ~ the only suggestion is maybe smooth out the edge of the right wing like you did the rest of it, it will look more like smooth glass" ~
Eve Eve
Micose Micose
como on... there is some (classic) PS work and the result is cool.... I vote....
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
goeny - i'm sure you didn't mean to do anything underhanded, but be careful with your source links. i see that at least part of the body is from mason's. there's no reason not to include that link and let people decide for themselves whether to vote.
rockprinzess rockprinzess
Great work! I really like it! I love crystally stuff... kinda hard to do though. Great work Goeny!
Persuader Persuader
wow - really nice work Goeny =)
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Good work. Definitely vote-worthy. Next time just make an image in photoshop with all your sources, and then you won't have to make more than one links.
mason4300 mason4300
I guess I owe you a vote after this mess
Rex Cross Rex Cross
yello_piggy yello_piggy
Vlad Vlad
You know what? I'm here because I enjoy the art. This looks good.
16ozBud 16ozBud
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
While I agree with Mason, that you should've posted links to all sources used, I think this is a great chop. To use externals to recreate something from the daily source is great and you did a great job.
Wett Wett
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
great effort. next time get rid of those nasty blurry edges :)
Kansas Kansas


mason4300 mason4300
It doesn't look like the shell was very hard to do... [img] And the fins there are from the crystal bird source. and it looks like most of the head is from the other one, too
mason4300 mason4300
what part, exactly, did you do, besides cutting them apart and pasting it all together? :(
Goeny Goeny
guess you think i just copied the source you mentioned. First the head is completely made from the bird. You can even see the angy expression from the source turtle/dolphin in it. second, the fins are the wings of the bird, changed the color a bit.
RiccardoS RiccardoS
i was voting for this, then i saw the link written by mason... and i don't wanna vote anymore!
Goeny Goeny
Third, I tried to copy and paste the source you mentioned, and it doesnt even fit. You have to make a lot of changes to it to make it fit in. Last, thx(NOT) for making me feel proud of a whole day work...
Goeny Goeny
Oh, and by the way, What did you do excactly to that padle car of yours besides cutting and pasting the car into it and then placing the wheel covers on it?
mason4300 mason4300
Your missing the point, Goeny. According to what you say, you didn't even use the source to begin with, you just made an object that looks similar to the source. Second, my pedal car is way more than copy and paste. First I had to completely reconstru
mason4300 mason4300
t the background so that it appeared that there was no hubcaps at all. Then, I found the car and had to pretty much recolor most of it, since it appears orange from the lighting when you insert it into the source. then, I had to morph and recolor the caps
mason4300 mason4300
and place them on the car. then shadowing for the whole thing. Not to mention all the cutting I had to do. I'm not saying what you made is bad, it looks fine. In fact, it looked so real it prompted me to go looking and see if you didn't just use s
mason4300 mason4300
other pic altogether, so you should be proud that it looks so good. But, since you didn't actually use the source given, and you didn't tell the whole truth about your sources, that is what makes me not vote for it.
mason4300 mason4300
I'm sorry you think I'm singleing you out, but this isn't personal. I do think its good, but it isn't using the source, which is kind of a requirement. I hope your not immature and that this will make you think I'm your arch-nemesis, b
mason4300 mason4300
but if it does, I'm sorry, there isn't much I can do about it...
mason4300 mason4300
"second, the fins are the wings of the bird, changed the color a bit." yeah, I know, thats what I said.
Goeny Goeny
I want you to do one thing for me. Copy my crystal turtle. Put it over the source provided. You will see it wil fit EXCACTLY. you know why? because it IS the source i used. Just colored it with outside sources. The only thing a little smaller are the fins
Goeny Goeny
and in stead of making a big deal about this and let people think i just copied a complete other outside source you could have PM me.
mason4300 mason4300
just because you can recontsruct something to fit over the source doesn't mean it is the source. I know you used that shell, it has the exact same pattern in it, don't try to bs me. I'm not as stupid as you may think.
mason4300 mason4300
And I'm not making a big deal out of it, I simply had pasted another source that you obviously used but didn't mention. i don't like when people try and fool others into thinking that they did something they didn't. that shell isn't fr
mason4300 mason4300
it's from the source I found. the reason I didnt pm you is b/c it wouldn't get anyone anywhere. I dont care about showing you the source you used, I am showing other people who may view this the source you used. if you wanted to pm,
mason4300 mason4300
why didn't you complain about my original post in a pm?
mason4300 mason4300
instead of being mature, you decided to try and (unsucessfully) attack one of my chops and basically say that you didn't use the source I posted.
mason4300 mason4300
"it doesnt even fit." - I'm pretty sure it would be remarkably easy to press ctrl+T and drag it down a little bit...
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
sigh. and of course, after all that, i hit the 'vote' button instead of 'comment.' oh well.
Micose Micose
make peace... (i dont say make love...hahha)
rockprinzess rockprinzess
Wow... i can't believe i read all these comments... mason i saw your green pedal car entry... i don't see what you're talking about... are you sure you're not mistaken?
kwast kwast
put some shadow underneath, wait a few months and I'll vote for it goeny. Let all the others shut up.
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
prinzess, this has nothing to do with mason. goeny used an external source and did not mention or link it. when people discover your sources for you, you can see that'll cause problems. as i said above, just be more careful, goeny.
rockprinzess rockprinzess
Well i'm not agreeing or disagreeing... i feel a little silly but i don't see it... i even asked rex... maybe we're both missing it.
mason4300 mason4300
what exactly are you talking about, prinzess? I think you might be confused. lol there is a part of Goeny's chop that is an outside source that he didn't say he used until I pointed it out. Its the shell of the turtle. follow the link I posted and
mason4300 mason4300
you'll see it.
Micose Micose
will it be a novel here ? good start ....haha
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Including source in an entry is not necessary. I've done one with no source that got a fairly large amount of votes:
mason4300 mason4300
Doac, I'm not saying that he needs to post sources at all. What I am saying is that posting only one source and not all of them decieves people. Either post all of them or none of them, or even just say that you used others that arent shown.
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
i'm firmly in the "post all of them" camp
Micose Micose's not ... oo cmon go ahead..;may be i should ask : what happens here , (hehe) ? so Geony created a source and somebody has stolen him ? is it that ?
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I think points are being crossed. Mason seems to be saying that if you post a link to a source you used then you should link to all the sources you used. That's all.
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Now to Mason I would say that others have done chops where they rebuilt the scene of the daily without using any pixels from the original. Those chops did good. So I think what Goeny achieved here is great and vote-worthy.
ReyRey ReyRey
I think the image is vote worthy. (not from me) I think the statement "I wil NEVER do Crystal again, Damn this was hard !!" Was meant to decieve and make everyone think that you created this entire image. Even if you did fool people I would not be proud
ReyRey ReyRey
I would not be proud of the votes I got. Next time just be honest or say nothing. Let the image speak for itself. people here are smart and you will just be embarrassed. No hard feelings. Just try again, and be honest and show them what you can really do.
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
to complete the story: it got a happy ending, lots of pm's from one to another and they lived happily ever after LOL. They sorted it out and it was a misunderstanding from both sides why this got this far.

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 Crystal Turtle
by Goeny
Created February 11, 2006
17 votes   39 comments
550w x 324h (64KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  3
humor  0
idea  1
theme  0

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