TofuTheGreat wrote:
I have 1.5 hours each weekday morning before "work" starts. I'm at work 1/2 hour before the daily contest starts (and the 3rd is about to close). So I'll go to the contest that's about to end and I'll look to see if any new entries have been added. I'll do this by doing a "show all entries" and then scrolling down to where I left off browsing the previous day. I'll also do this with the "middle" contest.
After I've gone through the two opens I'll go to the daily contest and start browsing at the very first entry. I'll either vote, comment or move on. No matter what I use the "prev" and "next" links under the pics. That way I go through ALL of the pictures. I've learned that you just can't trust the thumbnail to judge whether the pic deserves to be viewed or not.
This manner of looking allows me to catch all the contests fairly evenly (although Saturdays are sometimes missed). I realize not everyone has the time to view in the same manner that I am able to but you did ask.
Oh when I'm looking at the contest that's about to close I'll also look at the entries that have gotten a fair amount of votes. I do this to read through the comments.
This is pretty much how I do it when I have time. I think it has to do with how much you interact on the boards and chat room. I'm a good example, I've been a member since April 04 and I've only posted 28 messages

... Nutt who??? ...Then look at my profile. I still suck, but I've improved my skills.
Watch out guys....Nutts comming to get ya and take all your votes away!!
I still love this place. It's a freaking drug!!