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Would PSC members be interested in making a similar Roll Over? |
Yes |
72% |
[ 39 ] |
No |
12% |
[ 7 ] |
Go back to taking mountain pictures and leave us alone! |
14% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes: 54
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:12 am Reply with quote
 okay Eve...your the boss ...i'm glad... may bethen, to follow, somebody that works easily in dark moods or stgh (thinking of Kansas ,Tsitra,Marco, Karell and many mor, the new one Alucard,Doac,etce), Anfa and his purple-redish masterpieces too..Mikey and his colorfull out-ofthebox ones...etc ...shaman,rey, you Eve ( well-known for her beautiful pastel colors) etc the light , to the realism..through the funny;;till the most photorealistic/coldcoloring....I cant name evbdy of course../. whatu think
Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:01 am Reply with quote
Done some thinking about the size of the images so they could nicely be blended, and to make them easy to integrate in a webpage.
My proposal:
- Height of (final) image 500 px (this is about the maximum height so images can be viewed nicely in all browsers on screen with resolution of 1024x768)
- someone should take control to collect the images and give parts of them to people who will make an image next to it
- think it would be easiest if done in this way, a person who works on image will get the following:
-The red zones will contain part of the image provided by the previous/next person (if any), no change can be done there, it's just a reference.
-The orange zone is the also part of the image provide by previous/next person (if any) but you can use it to blend it smoothly with your own image.
-The white zone: well like thy say in french: Carte blanche. Do whatever you like in here.
We should work with a system where several person can work at an image at the same time, could be done with a queue-system (don't know if this is spelled correctly :p)
So person 1, 2, 3 can start on a image.
Person 4 has to wait untill 1 is done
Person 5 has to wait untill 2 is done, and so on and so on
Anyway, just a thought.
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Netherlands
Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:24 am Reply with quote
yes, ... i think it's better to just go with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and work in that order to, the blending of the images can be much better this way. In the end it must be one big piece of art so i think we better just wait our turn instead of working at the same time. Who will blend the image of 2 and 7 together?
Another suggestion, those area's you made.. we can make a seperate layer showing the lines of those area's so we all know where to start/stop and blend. Keep forwarding the .psd file so the next person has that lines to. In the end we can adjust that line layer to show the outlines of the art like in the example eve showed us. Maybe we can just start and let everybody who want's to do a piece put that here and we make a list of those people. Maybe eve want's to keep that in the first box of this topic. If you don't have time to make something at the time the art arrives maybe you can let the person who's after you in the list go first... so a bit of communication will be needed.
Do we need a subject to chop about? will it be a story showing on the roll? what's the idea on that, anyone?
_________________ Little things can make BIG differences 
Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:36 am Reply with quote
wendysmurfie wrote: Who will blend the image of 2 and 7 together?
Well, it would be reasonably to believe that 2 will allready has finished his piece of art, this way person 7 will get an image with on the left side a part of the image of person 1 and on it's right side a part of the image of person 2.
Reason why I suggested this roleystem is to quickly have something to work with.
If we do it 1 by 1, the waiting could become terribly long. Suppose each person gets a week for submitting an image. Person would have to wait (in worst case) 10 weeks before he even can get started with the blending. The rolesystem 3 by 3 would reduce this period to 4 weeks.
Quote: Another suggestion, those area's you made.. we can make a seperate layer showing the lines of those area's so we all know where to start/stop and blend. Keep forwarding the .psd file so the next person has that lines to. Yup, would indeed be easier, even a simple helpline (don't know if this is the exact term, in dutch it is 'Hulplijn' could do this job.
oh suggestion for a name for this roll: pscroll (pronounced p-scroll) 
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:33 pm Reply with quote
just a small note on the flash script
This wil be good if the image is not too large. But suppose you got an image of well 30000px long (wich can be a result if we even have only 30 participants)
The speed will be to fast. And a specific point will be hard to point too.
So I just wrote a small testscript, the more you move from the middle, the faster it goes in the direction of your mouse. (this is just a test page, no bells and whistles, no colors)
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:03 pm Reply with quote
We just might get lucky and get Splodge to participate in this collaboration? I mean make an image...Hmmm??? 
Location: Netherlands
Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:08 pm Reply with quote
looks great grefix! just what whe need. Can you make the click function in it as well? so you can see who made it? What info do we want then, just name and country or something? maybe a link to the choppers portfolio?
Eve?? eve, girl come over here and tell us your ideas
Ha, missed your message sorry 
_________________ Little things can make BIG differences 
Location: Netherlands
Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:50 pm Reply with quote
come on 7 people??? is everybody sleeping?? not in for some fun? *sigh*
 7 people cant make a very large pscroll now can they? we can all make a very large piece or just repeat the pscroll 20 times
I realy expected more people who would like to do this....
Oh and we get to use mason's crap to!  Tnx mason!
_________________ Little things can make BIG differences 
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:49 pm Reply with quote
may we just shut up and think a minute  joking... Splodge ?! what ur suggestions man ?
Wendy, concerning how much people will particpate, i think we could pm any photochoppers (i know a lot that come rarely on forum )
I will pm people so they could start to work...
I have no gif skills at all.... So Grefix,splodge,men go ahaead with your tecknical stuff.
Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:21 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote:
[color=blue]Costello: Well then who's on first?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: I mean the fellow's name.
Abbott: Who.
Costello: The guy on first.
Abbott: Who.
Costello: The first chopper.
Abbott: Who.
etc.. etc... etc...
That's why I proposed a role system, so more then 1 chopper can work at the same time. I know it's still a rough outline.. but hey that's why we are using this thread don't we?
As for picture number 1, I think we could all agree that this one will be for Eve
Wendy, I 've allready said to you what splodge said now. If we start getting pictures, it will look more intresting then this thread alone, so they'll come, I'm sure of that... :p
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
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