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Sat Apr 15, 2006 12:21 am Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: Wendy, I, for one, dont want to hear the story behind the chop...In the Tourney OR the contest for that matter.
The voting should be based on the final result. How much work was done or how many outside sources were used doesnt have much bearing on the quality of the entry.
just my opinion. Let the entry stand on its own without people trying to pull in votes with some outrageous claim of long hours and grueling source image searches.
yeah, Showcase, I agree about not caring how long it took or whatever. If someone can make an awesome chop, but they only did it in 30 seconds, thats not gonna keep me from voting for it. The only reason I care about sharing sources is i'm afraid people will mistake some hard work for simply an outside source. For example, I figured everyone would think the glass with the stuff in it was already an image, and wouldn't know what I actually photoshopped and what I actually cut and pasted. See what I mean?
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Netherlands
Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:32 am Reply with quote
 that's kinda what i meant, so you have to make sure you don't do that to well ... make it look chopped  maybe you can make big red circles around the things that are chopped.  ... but serieusly mason, it has it good and bad sides that you cant show your sources. I do understand it, but i will not do my best to make anything look like an photograph anymore. I mean.. my banana's were like they are cut out from a magazine.. you cant tell it's a chop right  (  )
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Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:26 am Reply with quote
well apart from the background mine was all source, and boy was that a mistake, saying I was unhappy with the result is a bit of an understatment, if I see a bannana again it will be altogether too soon.....dang, my son is eating one right now 
Location: Southern California
Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:31 am Reply with quote
I was convinced that the drink in your picture was just a source, until you started this thread. You did a great job with your sources!!! The perspective of the bananas was awesome as well. It sucks that we really can't show how much work we put into the pictures. Yours looked flawless, while I keep looking at mine, and I see many flaws.
mason4300 wrote: Showcase wrote: Wendy, I, for one, dont want to hear the story behind the chop...In the Tourney OR the contest for that matter.
The voting should be based on the final result. How much work was done or how many outside sources were used doesnt have much bearing on the quality of the entry.
just my opinion. Let the entry stand on its own without people trying to pull in votes with some outrageous claim of long hours and grueling source image searches.
yeah, Showcase, I agree about not caring how long it took or whatever. If someone can make an awesome chop, but they only did it in 30 seconds, thats not gonna keep me from voting for it. The only reason I care about sharing sources is i'm afraid people will mistake some hard work for simply an outside source. For example, I figured everyone would think the glass with the stuff in it was already an image, and wouldn't know what I actually photoshopped and what I actually cut and pasted. See what I mean?
Location: East Coast!
Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:06 am Reply with quote
my mom just bought more mini bananas! 
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Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:01 pm Reply with quote
I swear to god, FF, if you submit any more pictures of fruit as sources, I'll come a'knocking.
Thanks, nyxxie. I figured since I had set the bananas as a background object, no one would pay much attention to them. I actually had to re-shape every one of them individually and re-order some of them to look right at that perspective. I knew I was going to have trouble with that entry, simply because the bananas weren't the main focus.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
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Location: connecticut
Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:16 am Reply with quote
much research and money went into the creation of the strip club banana. multiple trips to the clubs trying to find the perfect stage, pole, what not.... they wouldnt let me take pictures for somereason  so i had to create the stage in lightwave3d. the glitter was the hardest part. i hired 35 programers to come up with the glitter brush for photoshop... and they failed.
disclaimer: i didnt really go to any strip clubs nor did i hire 35 programers. im broke so im not spending my money on some pole swingin girl plus the wife would slaughter me something fierce.
L@rue: I'm eating a bag of bbq chips and drink a cocacola
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