Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Voting - Photoshop Contest Head to Head Tournament: arcaico vs delucx - Reply to topic
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what did you think of these entries? |
Nudity, including see through clothing has no business here, but the other picture is fine. |
3% |
[ 1 ] |
Violence in the murder scene is a little too graphhic for me, but the other picture is fine. |
20% |
[ 6 ] |
Both of these belong on adult sites, and not on psc. |
6% |
[ 2 ] |
you're crazy mere_artist!!! I don't have a problem with either one of these entries. |
70% |
[ 21 ] |
Total Votes: 30
Location: Holbrook, New York
Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:31 am Reply with quote
personally, I love both entries, they are both awesome in my opinion and were done really well, I won't mention which one I voted for here, because the contest is still up for voting and I wouldn't want to sway people from voting one way or the other, but I'm a little confused because i've seen some far less risque chops censored by the site. one is borderline nudity - you can definitely make out the girl's nipples and a camel toe and the other is just a little too blatantly violent for some of our younger memebers, remember this is NOT an adult site. If that is an actual dead body in that chop, I think that is just palin wrong, and if is not, then I'm even more impressed with the chopper's skills, but I still wouldn't want a 14 year old seeing that image here. Yes I know the 14 year old is going to see worse in their video games, on MTV and on CNN, but if we are not part of the solution, the we are part of the problem. I'm not a proponent of censorship at all, but I think we each have a responsibility for the work we do here and we should maintain at most a PG-13 rating. Or make this an 18 and over site and allow anything and everything.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:05 am Reply with quote
This thread should have waited until after the voting. 
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:18 am Reply with quote
Rey is right. dumb idea to post this.
vunt van pumununt
Location: the netherlands
Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:05 am Reply with quote
With all due respect MA, i'm laughing my ass off over here! Do you seriously consider these images 18+ !?!?
in that case, protest about all the animal 'unfriendliness' that goes on here, or Micose's depressing paintings (you never know what that'll lead to). How about political statements? better leave them behind as well, cause we don't want to indoctrinate the 13 year-olds in here.
SHIT!!! I just thought of something! my wife sometimes showers ... naked like ... and my sons can see it!! they're doomed.
sorry for the sarcasm MA. I DO respect you and your work, but i tend to disagree with you here.
btw what did you think would happen in a contest with a sourcepic of a gun?
_________________ "This is a really cool quote"
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:27 am Reply with quote
vunt van pumununt wrote:
vunt, that was a bit of a stretch. Doesnt compare to what mere was saying I think.
...not that I agree with mere...cuz I now I dont agree with him OR you. 
Location: JiangXi, China
Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:41 am Reply with quote
Perhaps a bit early to talk about this yet since people are still voting.
But I'm with you MA. I think it's ridiculous to call him a "moral knight" for criticizing the use of real human corpses in a friggin' PHOTOSHOP CONTEST.
Vunt, what if some sick f*ck murdered your two children that you mentioned, heaven forbid? Would you want some internet junkie using their crime scene photos to make a "badass chop" for a ridiculous contest?
My uncle was murdered in his home last year, apparently just for kicks since we couldn't determine if any valuables were missing (none that my family could tell, anyway). I can't imagine how enraged I would be if I saw a photo of that used for something pointless like some online photoshopping contest.
Your wanna-be-Hunter-S.-Thompson, look-at-me-I'm-an-ultra-libertarian response to MA's point of view is way overblown and underthought, Vunt. Wishing people would act with a bit of decency and respect for other people is not being a "moral knight". It has nothing to do with the run of the mill cartoon-ish, created violence that you normally see here, or seeing your wife naked (which I don't see has much to do with anything). In my opinion it's about exploiting a real victim of violence to get votes for a silly contest.
I don't believe the chop should be censored, really. But I think whoever made it should feel like a real f*cking jerk for being so disrespectful.
Location: Brazil
Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:00 pm Reply with quote
that's the beauty of chopping...
how can you proof that actually is a dead body and not a chopped pic of a guy that may be drinking hot chocolate while reading this??
or how can you say that the girl is question was really naked and not just a swimsuit cover for Sports Illustrated that can be viewed in any magazine store by any kid??
anyway, if ya got offended by both entries.... dude, just ignore the match then... Jesus, is it that hard?
besides, God created both nipples and brains... so I believe you should complain with the Creator himself for creating unappropriate content for photoshop sites. 
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:07 pm Reply with quote
We've had other shit created here and real or not, its just as graphic...or more so even.
Clanwhatever, forget about the seen any tv lately? Gone to the movies? newspapers? magazines? listen to radio? Been to an art show? most of these can be quite "offensive" to someone for one reason or another. I suggest you closet yourself away somewhere secluded from all this becuase you're bound to get very, very upset.
...not to mention real life. its all pretty darn graphic.
now I disagree with mere, vunt AND you. so far, this is a pretty good day.
Also, commendable graphic language there too, clanwhatever...just when Im trying teach my kids some decency and courtesy when they speak to others.
Location: Back where I belong.
Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:01 pm Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: Clanwhatever, forget about the seen any tv lately? Gone to the movies? newspapers? magazines? listen to radio?
Well he is in CHINA a.k.a. "Land of Censorship"!
All that aside I agree that this thread should've been posted after the contest. Let the mods and jmh do the deciding of what's appropriate for posting in the contests. That's their purpose as mods and admin.
Edit: Let's me give thanks to Showcase for showing me the error of my ways. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:34 pm Reply with quote
of course you do, anfa
TofuTheGreat wrote: Let the mods and jmh do the deciding of what's appropriate. That's their purpose as mods and admin.
I'll presume you meant "appropriate content for the site" and not whats appropriate for us to think and believe? right?
I think what mere said was he, himself, felt they were inappropriate and was asking what we "think". These things promote discussion...the life blood of any forum.
...that and Mikey's "  " comments...
its possible the mods/jmh consider the views of the membership here when deciding whats appropriate content and what isnt.
Location: the sunny side of NY
Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:51 pm Reply with quote
i just love a good rantin' thread 
Location: Back where I belong.
Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:04 pm Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: of course you do, anfa
TofuTheGreat wrote: Let the mods and jmh do the deciding of what's appropriate. That's their purpose as mods and admin.
I'll presume you meant "appropriate content for the site" and not whats appropriate for us to think and believe? right?
I think what mere said was he, himself, felt they were inappropriate and was asking what we "think". These things promote discussion...the life blood of any forum.
...that and Mikey's "  " comments...
its possible the mods/jmh consider the views of the membership here when deciding whats appropriate content and what isnt.
Thank you for correctly interpreting what I wrote. I've edited the entry for better clarity.
And I agree with you about discussion being fodder for the forums (ah alliteration can be fun). BUT this should have waited until after the contest had run its course. That's what I refer to when stating that the mods and jmh should decide what's appropriate for the contest. A PM to any of the mods could've suffice (IMHO).
But then again without this type of thread Showcase wouldn't have any ammunition to stir up trouble. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
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