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Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Tue May 30, 2006 9:31 pm Reply with quote
Just Imagine  if you went to your Advantage page, and on the 8th day, it showed 3,  that's Three pictures, WOW  And you get to choose the best one, whichever one gets the most votes would be the picture selected for the contest 7 days out, this could possibly weed out bad pictures and get more people involved in posting, it's quite obvious that better pictures get more entries, which makes this place more interesting, I know this is maybe too much for most people to grasp, but could PSC at least do a test??? PLEASE  Comments would be appreciated, cuz I'm losing interest due to lame pics, Anyone 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Tue May 30, 2006 9:49 pm Reply with quote
Source images are submitted by users.
take pictures of what you would like to see and submit them.
Tell everyone right here EXACTLY what you would like to see and maybe we'll go snap a few shots.
Personally, I think the start images are fantastic, couldn't be better..but
I'm willing to try and help by takin, some shots.
i think it would be interesting to have a thread where the photographer explains where he got the days particular source shot from.
Like who's kid was that, and those island shots.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Tue May 30, 2006 9:50 pm Reply with quote
Also, you can always take the start source and chop it into exactly what you would like it to be as a start source, then chop yer submission from that.
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Wed May 31, 2006 12:04 am Reply with quote
I've submitted more than a few shots, and being a photographer, I'd say they were pretty good, always keeping in mind that they would be for PSC when I shot them, I believe in quality not quantity, I've yet to hear back, and as for sending in a chopped shot  that's not what this contest is for, I refuse to chop someone else's chop if I can help it, I've noticed a few slip through though, that's a whole nother subject. Maybe you are happy with all of the pictures they put out, but I think getting more imput from the members is a good thing, think about it for a second, there are more than 15,000 PSC members, and very rarely do you have more than 60-70 people post for a contest, could it be that a lot of the shots are weak, and not that interesting? I think so, my sugestion is to make PSC even more user friendly, and maybe get more Advantage members on the site, you know, the one's that pay the bills for the PSC employee's 
Wed May 31, 2006 1:04 am Reply with quote
It's an interesting idea. Those 15,000 members can be misleading, though. A lot are dead accounts, others aliases (like UnlimitedHorizen's army of bothersomes) and a ton others are people who never actually chop, or rarely stop by, and still others are those people that find this place, sign up, then forget about it. I doubt there are more than a hundred or so active users.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Wed May 31, 2006 2:17 am Reply with quote
47 people joined yesterday, on the 30th. I'm not sure what the daily average is, but the #'s do add up, and yes, many many people never post, it's over 16,000 now, if this was your site, would you be looking at ways to get more paying Advantage members? I know I would, in some ways letting members post pictures is a blessing and a curse, on the one hand, you have this huge amount of pictures coming in, on the other, I bet a lot are really bad, but how many people in PSC actually pic the shots, and I've noticed that some people here get their pictures chosen very very often, so I know there is bias, for example, someone in PSC really likes Caldera a lot, I'm not saying his pictures are bad, I think it's great that user's get their shots in, but when you see the same few people getting their shots in all the time it makes you wonder, like I said, I've posted some pictures and never heard back, I bet my worst shot will now get chosen just to shut me up, I have thousands of pictures at my disposal, and I would spend more time sending in shots if I knew it wasn't a waste of time.
Location: Australia
Wed May 31, 2006 12:23 pm Reply with quote
Well Paul just think of all the people that havce sent in images mate...I myself have sent in 10 images and had 6 used in contests already. Now it took a long time for the images to be accepted, so be patient mate enjoy the site for what it is and have fun. Once ya been here for a while and get to know ya skills you will take each new image as the challenge it should be. 
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Wed May 31, 2006 8:05 pm Reply with quote
I will say this Blue, someone here always turns something bad into something cool, I totally realize that, but have you noticed that certain pictures get a lot more people involved, and a lot more good ideas come of it as well? Take tomorrows picture, 2 boring yellow rubber gloves, all I can see is Marco's blood on them  but seriously don't you think it would be better if you had the option to pic the source's? I know we get to submit pictures, this would just take it a step further and build more interest, they ask for ideas in this forum and I feel like I'm being shot down for trying to make PSC better  not that you are shooting me down or anything, but few responces to this thread say a lot to me  thanks for the interest, I guess I just had a brain fart 
Location: Australia
Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:50 am Reply with quote
Ideas help make this place grow, andover the years Ive been here...(Well just over two)...I have seen lots of changes forthe fact all for the good of this site. Dont feel down because your idea has not hit it of with the members....sit back look at it again and see why others have not taken on your vission...or be like me...take lots of prescribed drugs...washed down with alchole then the source mage looks like just what I want it to look like.
Change is a good thing, but more often than not, not a welcomed thing. It takes time for change to happen, and well mate we all got time.
Location: Columbia, SC
Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:19 am Reply with quote
I think all of you guys have good points in your arguments. I do belive that some of the recent photos have been a little boring and that is probably why coupled with get getting married that I have not posted much recently but at the same time maybe if I was a little more creative i could see more to chop in those pics. I do think the idea of a vote on source pic is not a bad idea but not for everyday chops maybe it could be something that PSC does once a month as a reward to members and it could also give info to the site hosts as to what type of source pics bring more interest. It could also be a draw to get more advantage members. I don't think it is ever a bad idea to find out what the people using the site want to see. This is a great site and i have recommended it to several graphic artists that i know and i only want to see it continue to grow.
These are just my random thoughts so take them as you will.
_________________ "BEEZ. That's it just BEEZ."
Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:41 pm Reply with quote
Good thoughts, all of you. A similar feature will be worked into a upcoming major upgrade to PSC so hold tight for a bit. We did make a step in the right direction by switching to only user submitted starting pics. Thanks to those who have sent them in.
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:51 pm Reply with quote
What if on the 8th day, you all paid me 5 bucks (US) and I picked the starting image?
I wont let you down.
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