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Location: Denmark

Post Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:30 pm   Reply with quote         

Hey Graphic Designers

I'm a 22y/o Graphic Design and Technology student from Denmark, and Im doing my 1st year exam project about how to start a franchise, which sells a special lunch meal from Denmark, and the target group is creative people in Seattle. (but the teachers will never check - so go for it)

I hope you will find the time to answer a small questionaire (only 7 questions).
Here you can find the questionaire:

The information gained from the answers will only be used for my exam, and the answers will be anonymous.

Below is a picture of the special danish lunch, which my project is all about. Besides that, the picture is also a part of the questionaire (the last question).

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Just realized something - Maybe I should have checked the map before posting. UPS!


Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:01 pm   Reply with quote         

That looks good..but like...greasy diner good...not
'good' like franchise food good.., sorry--but a pickle, chunk of carrot and a baby ear of corn?
On mashed potatoes(the potatoes look a seperate entree') on a fish stick?
The breads looks good. ok that's all I have to say.
You better stick to asking people in seattle,
they're like they're own little country over there...and that stuff in no way looks healthy...greasy, but not healthy.


Location: Montreal, Canada

Post Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:48 pm   Reply with quote         

ScionShade wrote:
That looks good..but like...greasy diner good...not
'good' like franchise food good.., sorry--but a pickle, chunk of carrot and a baby ear of corn?
On mashed potatoes(the potatoes look a seperate entree') on a fish stick?
The breads looks good. ok that's all I have to say.
You better stick to asking people in seattle,
they're like they're own little country over there...and that stuff in no way looks healthy...greasy, but not healthy.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing


Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:01 pm   Reply with quote         

Hey, they know their stuf over there..
Didn't "Starbucks" start in Seattle?


Location: the sunny side of NY

Post Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:09 pm   Reply with quote         

I have to agree with Scion, it looks kinda scary to eat and that's
coming from someone who saw Supersize Me and still eats at McDonalds on occasion! Laughing Laughing Laughing



Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:29 pm   Reply with quote         

I answered the questionare..hope noone gets offended Very Happy


Location: Back where I belong.

Post Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:27 pm   Reply with quote         

Question 3.3 is a bit misleading. How are we supposed to know if something would appeal to our taste buds without knowing what the heck we're looking at? A better question is whether these items look appealing to the eye. That being said I like fish so two of the dishes appear to be deep-fried fish filets. But what's on the one with mushrooms and bacon?

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
�The mind is like a parachute, it doesn�t work if it isn�t open.� - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:37 pm   Reply with quote         

As a Canadian I am STUNNED that you would leave us out of this particular Food Survey Situation (FSS)!

We know our crappy fast yet tasty food types, let me tell you b'y!


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: Montreal, Canada

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:34 am   Reply with quote         

Scooby should stick to poutine, you never know what may be lurking underneath the bacon and mushroom.


Location: Denmark

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:14 am   Reply with quote         

To answer the Canadian ReinMan. Go ahead and answer the Questions.. and to answer scooby.. it's liver pat�..

To everyone

Cold cuts and Laid-on Rye

Literally translated, sm�rrebr�d means "spread [on] bread", and the "spread" is generally laid on to a piece of buttered rye bread, a dense, black bread with many seeds. P�l�g, the topping, then among others can refer to commercial or homemade cold cuts, pieces of meat or fish, cheese or spreads.
This is essentially the base on which the art of the famous Danish open sandwich, Sm�rrebr�d is created: A slice or two of cold cuts is placed on the buttered bread, and then decorated with the right accompaniments, to create a tasty and visually appealing food item.

Some traditional examples include:

Dyrl�gens natmad (translated, Veterinarian's midnight snack) -- On a piece of dark rye bread, a layer of liver pat�, topped with a slice of corned beef and a slice of meat aspic. This is all decorated with raw onion rings and cress.

Eel -- Smoked eel on dark rye bread, topped with scrambled eggs and sliced radishes.

Liver pat� -- Warm rough-chopped liverpaste served on dark rye bread, topped with bacon, and sauteed mushrooms. (see picture)

Roast beef, thin sliced and served on dark rye bread, topped with a portion of remoulade, and decorated with a sprinkling of shredded horseradish and toasted onion.

Roast pork, thin sliced and served on dark rye bread, topped with red sweet and sour cabbage, and decorated with a slice of orange.

Smoked salmon -- Slices of cold smoked or cured salmon on white bread, topped with shrimp and decorated with a slice of lemon and fresh dill.

Stjerneskud (translated, Shooting Star) -- The undisputed star of sm�rrebr�d. On a base of buttered dark rye bread, two pieces of fish: a piece of steamed white fish on one half, a piece of fried, battered plaice on the other half. On top is piled a mound of shrimp, which is then decorated with a dollop of mayonnaise, red caviar, and a lemon slice.

This is something scissored from wikipedia..

and yes. Starbuck's started out in Seattle.. and that's why this project also has a target group located in Seattle.

To ScionShade
Compared to the franchise companies like McDonald's, Burger Kind, etc. this IS healthy food, because of the bread and the salad.


Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:19 am   Reply with quote         

I'm giving ya honest answers spell....Ya got my support, but we (I think it's safe for me to say 'we' here)
are used to our food being served in a certain way...
NOW........there is one thing there that sounds tempting...the 'smoked salmon'..
I wanna see that.
YThere are occasional meals where food may be presented atop bread w/out a lid on it...but when that does happen..
..the whole dish is smothered in gravy...sorta like Poutine. Smile
I also like the breads being offered--those same dishes with the bread
being on the side and the greens being a seperate salad,
would have "me" first in line waiting to try them out.
The use of a 'gerkin' pickle in a fast food meal would be great too...also...on the side. Very Happy


Location: Denmark

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:49 am   Reply with quote         

Thanks for your honesty.. and Support.. And answers.. I know Americans like their food in a certain way, but I just see it as a challange to expand the american food habits.. Actually one of the most difficult topics during my exam project was to find a proper english word for the danish "sm�rrebr�d"...

We figured since the Asians could make sushi a world famous dish.. we could try to do the same with this Danish Lunch. We will have to make a lot of advertising.. and be very persuasive.

Lord David

Location: Melbourne, Australian Continent, Earth, Sector 001, United Federation of Planets, Alpha Quadrant.

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:53 am   Reply with quote         

Although this is hardly relevant, (I'm not from Se-at-tle, BTW)
Sure hell beats some varieties of food from down under!

and Arrow




Location: Back where I belong.

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:17 am   Reply with quote         

Spell you had me right up to the pate'. Yuck

I'd probably eat everything you've got picture (except the pate'). I have no issues with open face "sandwiches" other than thinking it's not really a sandwich without the top slice. Sandwiches, to me, are held when eating. I prefer to eat the open-faced varieties with a fork as the fixins tend to slide off. But that could be just me.

All I know is that the dishes look tempting to me (other than the pate') and now I'm hungry with no food handy. Laughing

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
�The mind is like a parachute, it doesn�t work if it isn�t open.� - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey


Location: Denmark

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:51 am   Reply with quote         

Personally I don't like pat�.. and I wouldn't even call it pat�.. but most danish food is almost impossible to translate into english..

And with your concerns of how to eat this tasty Danish Lunch.. Mostly it is eaten with knife and fork, so no worries..

Sorry if I made you hungry..


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