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Post Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:20 am   Reply with quote         

Claf wrote:
Did't she invent a line of ice-cream? Shocked

No! She invent a line of food & products for pets: Laughing


Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe

Post Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:33 am   Reply with quote         

and ... she invented masturbation during a talk-show on austrian tv! Razz



Location: Manchester'ish - UK

Post Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:06 pm   Reply with quote         

yello_piggy wrote:
and ... she invented masturbation during a talk-show on austrian tv! Razz

Blimey yello piggy, what kind of talk show do you have in Ausria?


Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe

Post Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:31 pm   Reply with quote         

The talk-show was called "Club2" and was an open-end show, which was possible in the 80's. Nowadays theres a 24/7 program. Miss Hagen started to rub between her legs with her pants on, and later her hand went into the pants. she explained to the audience what she is doing at the moment and let them know, how good it was for her Shocked it was quite a scandal, but nothing in compare to what is shown nowadays on tv or newspapers. it was the 80's ...


Paul Von Stetina

Location: Deep Shit

Post Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:20 pm   Reply with quote         

[quote="Paul Von Stetina"]Was she the one that did the "98 balloons" video/song or something to that effect?
OK, are there ANY Jeff Beck fans? he is, in my opinion the greatest guitar player ever, while Jimi Hendrix was alive, they asked him who was his fave and he said the same thing, he is still putting out CD's and every-one of them are perfect, so with that I ask, what's some of your favorite CD/Album cover art? This Guitar Shop cover is great, and if you don't own this CD, I highly recommend it, or anything he has put out.

"Big Block" (live) w/Bozzio & Hymas

"Behind the Veil" (live) w/Bozzio & Hymas

the burning couch

Location: I don't know, but it sure is dark in here

Post Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:54 pm   Reply with quote         

Ya Beck and Hendrix are great but for a guitar player I really like Ronnie Montrose esp. the first Montrose album (w.Space Station #5)or his Gamma project albums. Some examples of great and inventive guitar work there.

Paul Von Stetina

Location: Deep Shit

Post Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:35 am   Reply with quote         

Ronnie rocks for sure

"Space Station #5" (live)

"Bad Motor Scooter" 1974

Have you caught any of Jeff Becks last 3 CD's? All I can say is, "Goosebumps, and Endorphins" !
That would be a funny name for a band huh? Laughing

Paul Von Stetina

Location: Deep Shit

Post Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:41 am   Reply with quote  

I could listen to this a million times Very Happy

the burning couch

Location: I don't know, but it sure is dark in here

Post Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:01 pm   Reply with quote         

That link didnt work but I like to go to the AMG site( for musics. Hadnt thought of check'n out any Jeff Beck stuff for quite a while but am sure glad I had a listen to the "aural deluxities" of his 2003 release "Jeff". It's great that he's moving with the times(not selling out i.e. Santana) while keeping his core sound. I was intrigued to hear he's working with the likes of David Torn (aka Splattercell) and Apollo 440. I will definitely have to pick this one up. Thanks ! You may like Splattercell Check him out.

Post Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:39 pm   Reply with quote         

Here's a rare special album cover of Nina Hagen with her young husband!
The second picture is from the back cover:

Jeff Beck is good, but there's so many other good guitarist... Vernon Reid, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani,
Steve Morse, Adrian Belew and so and so... but Frank Zappa was my favorite about rock music.
About jazz, Pat Metheny, Mike Stern, John Scofield, John McLaughlin... but Eivind Aarset is my favorite
with his fantastic new jazz.
I never heard about Ronnie Montrose... I'll search.

the burning couch

Location: I don't know, but it sure is dark in here

Post Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:12 pm   Reply with quote         

Ahhh yesss, really like Zappa, and Vernon Reid(of which I think many have completely forgotten) but also Phil Manzanera, for style and don't forget Charlie Hunter. Will have to check out some Aarset, as I'm not familiar. I do tend to edge more towards jazz stylings. "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." Who really said that first anyway? I always thought it was Zappa.

Paul Von Stetina

Location: Deep Shit

Post Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:29 pm   Reply with quote         

I liked Zappa a lot, and yes those other guys are great too, but Beck is the only one that ever made my hair stand on end, and to me that's the real test, I've seen Pat Metheny, John McLaughlin, those guys are awsome, ever hear of a guy called Al DiMeola?

Al DiMeola
Check him out, I saw him in 1978, and he blew my mind away, one of the fastest, cleanest, guitar players I ever witnessed, I know there are so many guys out there that are so good, but Beck has my vote, because he's been around longer than anyone, and still rockin like he's in his 20's, he's got to be in his 60's now, and the more you listen, the more you hear, it never gets old, you just appreciate it more and more Smile

`Solo Spot` Friday Night in San Francisco1980

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:07 am   Reply with quote         

Elegant Gypsy from Al Dimeola was my first jazz record I bought in 78.
I saw in the early 80s Di Meola - McLaughlin - De Lucia live. I thought McLaughlin
was the most inspired one. This guy was also amazing with his Mahavishnu Orchestra
with Shankar & Michael Walden on the drums. One of the most heavy jazz-rock I heard.

One of my favorite music from Zappa (we're talking about guitar) is on Sleep Dirt, especially "The Ocean Is The Ultimate Solution". Guitar & bass are completely
crazy there.

Also, the first album of Steve Vai "Flex-able" (the art cover is absolutely ugly) have
a couple of melancholic songs with guitar solos that can make hair stand on end for sure.
But most recently, he composed not so much good stuff.

I think there's no guitarist who had a major influence on music like Hendrix since Hendrix
himself. Maybe I forgot somebody but I think that the last "big artist" after Hendrix who revolutionated music by his performance on his own instrument is Jaco Pastorius on
bass. He brought something new & fresh to not only jazz, but had a major influence also on pop & rock. Always, those artists are dying too young.

Zappa was a major artist too, but he's over all a composer.

Paul Von Stetina

Location: Deep Shit

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:18 am   Reply with quote         

Wow, I was just on Jaco's website, minutes ago,saw him play a few times, I met him, my friend jammed with him, and I went to his funeral, he's buried 40-50 yards from my Father and Sister, such a sad story of what happened to him, depression took him down a road he couldn't get off, he was such a cool guy besides being so talented, I've got some Jaco stories for sure, he grew up right here in my neighborhood. And yes he made a major impact in music, that's an understatement for sure, so glad you realize it too.

Check out this classic Jaco Solo Very Happy
Live in Montreal...when he was alive Confused

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:30 am   Reply with quote         

You met him!! Surprised
Lucky guy! He was a real pure powerful artist. Playing bass looked like so easy for him.
Pure, natural... what else... he had no limit.
I saw him with Weather Report in early 80s... around "Night Passage".
Amazing show!

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