I actually thought about this before throwing it out there;

Well 2 things;

When you go to a thread,

the first page, has a particular message/new topic on the top of page 1, right?

And then page 1-1000 has all the replies,

stay with me now,

in addition to keeping this as it is,

can we also have a button that will change the setting, to page 1, having the last reply, instead of the first reply

.... still keeping the New topic/message at the top of page 1, duh

We could then keep that setting, if we choose

and will no longer have to hunt for the last page,

and scroll down the page

to hunt for the last response on a thread,

did I explain that well enough I hope


the other thing,... how about a spell check button to boot

That kills me when you post something, and as soon as it comes up, yer like,... DoH

A word highlighter would be sweet too

And...I bet this has all come up before on another thread, so if that is the case, CHOP CHOP
ahahahahahahahahah DoH!!!! Nevermind!!!!!