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Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:18 am Reply with quote
ok people... i have actually finished a diploma in graphic design and i would do the flyer myself but i do not have the time. The reasion i would rather pay one of you guys instead of a graphic designer is because 1. Yes i do want to save money 2. Why have just one person design a flyer when you have have a few. 3. ive seen good quality work done here, and finally i would rather pay the designer istead of the owner of the design studio.
Design the flyer and i will pay the winner a negotiated figure. I am not trying to trick anyone. This is a genuine offer to get some freelance work..... The choice is yours
Any questions please pm me.
Location: Holbrook, New York
Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:34 am Reply with quote
catalyst wrote: ..... The choice is yours.
You can get with this, or you can get with that
You can get with this, or you can get with that
You can get with this, or you can get with that
I think you'll get with this, for this is where it's at
Engine, Engine, Number Nine,
On the New York transit line,
If my train goes off the track,
Pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!
Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:46 am Reply with quote
my main artist will be eric prydz. others will be added soon. the event is not going to be until jan 07. Event name is called summerdream. for anymore info please ask
Location: Holbrook, New York
Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:51 am Reply with quote
So, as this rap is winding down
It's plain to see we wear the crown
You know Anthrax is number one
But we don't care, we just wanna have... a FESTIVAL!!!!
Fun you stupid idiot!
I'm on your case, I'm in your face
Kick you and your father back in place
Step up sucker, understand
Don't you know,
I'm the man! I'm the man!
I'm bad! I'm so bad I should be in detention!
I'm the man!
Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:12 am Reply with quote
mere_artist wrote: catalyst wrote: ..... The choice is yours.
You can get with this, or you can get with that
You can get with this, or you can get with that
You can get with this, or you can get with that
I think you'll get with this, for this is where it's at
Engine, Engine, Number Nine,
On the New York transit line,
If my train goes off the track,
Pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!
 Black Sheep 
Location: In a world of $#!t
Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:39 am Reply with quote
So what you are saying is there is no free porn?....  ..I'm confused 
Location: Pembroke, MA
Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:06 pm Reply with quote
catalyst wrote: ok people... i have actually finished a diploma in graphic design ....
Can we see some of your stuff? I dunno... I'm always short on time to between work, freelance, friends work, housework, etc... but I don't think I'd ever go to someone else to design something for me..
That's probably just me though, but if its something i specialize in, then I'd want to do it myself. "if you want it done right... do it yourself"
Don't get us wrong, just understand that we get posts like this all the time and 99% of the time they are scams from people just wanting free artwork. So we're always a bit cautious about a new user with no posts, etc... coming on (especially with a degree in graphic design), asking us to design something for you.
If you were a regular member here, we probably wouldn't think twice about helping, just keep that in mind.
You can understand why we'd be questioning your motives.
_________________ zebob 06/09 @ 11:14 am
im more of an alethic computer geek that doesnt play sports but is still strong.
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:14 pm Reply with quote
Only if you strip down and do it in front of a mirror Rey  And then, close the door if you do 
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:16 pm Reply with quote
so what kind of format are you talking about, you've outlined nothing to follow, if you want us to help you, you have to help us 
Location: In a world of $#!t
Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:19 pm Reply with quote
Is it true the Winner gets Laid??? 
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