Waleed - it SERIOUSLY takes time to learn this type of work, and the best advice I can give you is: care about LEARNING more than you care about WINNING some VOTES.
Ask us questions about Photoshop and Chopping pictures... we will (most of us) share our knowledge with you. We don't wish to make you feel stupid or unwelcome. But you should know that we can be like a stern parent: we won't put up with child-like behavior for very long. That means child-like work, and child-like complaining. BUT BUT BUT if you ask in a way that has integrity I promise you this is the best site to learn all about this work.
On each post you can ask for Input and Advice on your entry: listen to what (most) of the people say and then try to improve on the next contest. You'll do better each coming week if you work at it.
And, if you are not careful, you just might find it all rather FUN!
P.S. See? I have learned something too - not to try speaking Persian to an Iraqui!

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!