Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:15 am Reply with quote
I believe it's not the first time thsi topic was raised, but nonetheless it's an intrestinng thing to implement. On the other hand there are some factors to considerate.
Obviously the unique views can only be counted by views from registered members (s there is no other way to tell if it is indeed a unique view (ip can't be considered as lots people don't have a static ip) )
It's highly probable that early entries will get more unique views then late entries, so it wouldn't be just to those who make the effort to chop something nice but don't have advantage or people are lacking the time to post early.
Considering the reigstered members, there's no way of people stopping to have multiple accounts. So if I would register myself under 40 different accounts, I could easily get better results then the ones who play fair and ony have 1 account (unless ofcourse there's a same limitation as there's now for casting votes)
In conclusion, yes, it could be intresting but it's very difficult to have an unbiased rating;
So my vote: unnessessary
I used to do stuff around here