First of all... I wanna say what's been said before... the site changes are great! Several interesting new features in the site. Lots of great changes.
Everything looks perfect, except for... yes... the chat room. I don't expect to change it, but I just felt like saying it. I MISS THE OLD CHAT ROOM!!!!
I can't see one single thing that makes the new chat room "improved"... the avatars thing is useless, and all major things that made history in chat are gone... several famous psc characters were created in the deceasedchat room, such as baby deif and the homeless guy... as follows:
We can't post pics anymore. The on the fly funny chops about the subject we're talking are gone. Triviabot is gone. Leif's drawing game is gone. L@rue's hilarious gifs are gone. The funny quoted pics are gone.
There's now a characters limit. Quoting stupid articles in chat room is gone. Xov's updates are gone. Splodge's TV guide is gone.
The box doesn't restrict the characters limit. So, when you start writing a message, it usually gets cut. For instance, yesterday, I was saying in chat room I used to like a girl that was 5 years older than me, but when I submited it, what went through was I used to like a girl that was 5 years... I could go to jail for that!!!! If you're used to the chat room, ya can figure what happened next...

Besides, it sucks when you write a message explaining something and it just gets cut in the middle... you just don't feel like typing all over again.
Probably new members may not understand it, but the old members know what I'm talking about (aboot if you're canadian).
So, all this talk is just to say I miss the good old chat room.
Thanks for listening my lament.