erdaest wrote:
I think it realy SUCKS when someone doubts one's work because it looks "too good to be true" I'm not here for the votes. I'm here because I enjoy this type of work. It helps me express what's inside and it helps me improve and strive to be better. If I say I do something ONLY from source I MEAN IT. I enter this site and had nothing but admiration at everyone's work and it helps me understand techniques and the application of those techniques. I strive to learn on my own and take pride in my work. So, be it said "I DO MY HOMEWORK" ... and if for anyone to say "too good to be true"

..... well, thanks for the compliment.
I can understand your reaction. I am not sure though if the comment on your post is really meant negative.
But if so, then I agree with you and think it is kind of rude. The person in question should in case of doubt, just ask you for the psd file. Not just assuming your post is not an honest one!
You will definately get my vote, since it is a good work. (only I prefer to vote the second or last day, so wait a little

Chin up and have fun chopping!