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Post Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:01 pm   Reply with quote         

Hi Dear

I am designing a web site in Arabic, Although I have installed the font I want use
and I select it from Character palate still It do not work to write arabic.

I have XP Professional.

Any thing else I have to do do in order to write arabic characters.


Site Moderator

Location: South Carolina

Post Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:08 pm   Reply with quote         

I'm not sure about this.

Do you see anything at all?

If you can't see any text, make sure the font size is not too big for the resolution of your image. Sometimes fonts can be big even at a relatively small point size.



Location: Australia

Post Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:31 pm   Reply with quote         

Damn it Rashdude thats one angry icon ya got there mate...lets get happy happy joy joy...



Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:56 pm   Reply with quote         

My fiance is Persian (different language, but simular challenge) and we did a project in photoshop and she ended up writing the Farsi words on paper, then we scanned them and cleaned up. Just ended up being easier than trying to get Photoshop to think Right from Left.

I doubt this will help you much, but I wanted you to know you are not alone in Ancient Language Challenges in Photoshopping! Very Happy


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: Australia

Post Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:01 pm   Reply with quote         

Did you try a translation program then select text and sort of works...but Im not sure if google translate is good but the text comes up...ok...I think.



Location: Yorkshire,

Post Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:01 pm   Reply with quote         

Make sure your text is a different color than the background,
sounds obvious, but it happens Smile


Hallcross Toots

Post Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:45 am   Reply with quote         

Thank you very much for all your answers

Exactly I mentioned Arabic Alphabit becuase it is more recognised than persian.
I want write persian, which I get this promblem.

Text size and background are ok.

Now I did some changes in windows language setting, I can write persian but all charicters in capital as you might know in pesrian and arabic characters will stcik together to form a word some time they will be in capital as part of a word, but I can write in capital which is meaningless for reader, when I type the word I see the correct reading in layer name what I write, but in images all in capital.

Example: I type داکتر but photoshop display داک ت ر
which is same but in capital in pesrian reading meaningless.

If copy and past the word which not readable in photoshop to another programme like MS Word I get the correct reading.

Post Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:37 am   Reply with quote         




Location: Yorkshire,

Post Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:29 am   Reply with quote         



Hallcross Toots

Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:55 pm   Reply with quote         

Goodluck, Dad!



the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Post Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:54 pm   Reply with quote         

Dad wrote:
Thank you very much for all your answers

Exactly I mentioned Arabic Alphabit becuase it is more recognised than persian.
I want write persian, which I get this promblem.

Text size and background are ok.

Now I did some changes in windows language setting, I can write persian but all charicters in capital as you might know in pesrian and arabic characters will stcik together to form a word some time they will be in capital as part of a word, but I can write in capital which is meaningless for reader, when I type the word I see the correct reading in layer name what I write, but in images all in capital.

Example: I type داکتر but photoshop display داک ت ر
which is same but in capital in pesrian reading meaningless.

If copy and past the word which not readable in photoshop to another programme like MS Word I get the correct reading.

Hello Dad,

I have exactly the same problem. Even thoughthe fonts are installed correctly and I can type everywhere else right to left, Photoshop keep writing from Left to right, which causes all letters being capital letters and therefire meaningless.

Have you solved this problem and may you please shar eit with me?

Many thanks


Location: East Coast!

Post Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:01 pm   Reply with quote         

Caps Lock Laughing
Just Kidding


Location: Amersfoort, The Netherlands, Europe, Earth

Post Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:20 pm   Reply with quote         

I have the same problem with Hebrew. Only thing I can do about it is copy it from Word and then paste it in photoshop


Post Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:10 pm   Reply with quote         


Actually it isn't a bad idea. I wrote the title of my Website in Persian in Word, Copied and pasted in in Photoshop that is automatically as a picture. I Took the select wizard and selected on the white background of the pasted pic and inverted the selected, now only my Word was selected. Then I could copy and paste just the word without the background into my real picture.

Works great. Many thanks. I did some researh only Photoshop Middleeast can do what we want. How sad is that, since their fonts don't work compliant with the standard.


Post Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:20 pm   Reply with quote         

If this is coming up often for you, you might want to consider looking into "middle eastern" adobe versions - looks like these have full english capabilities plus the additional capabilities:

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