digitalpharaoh wrote:
Old Photoshop Joke:
How many choppers does it take to restore a picture?

Anyway back on topic(s). First, nubs, don't worry that you weren't using PS before. I had Macromedia Fireworks and then GIMP. There was even a thread about a year ago where someone "confessed" about not using PS.
That being said I can relate to your lack o fknowledge about Photoshop. I just got CS2 about a week or so ago. We can go through some of the learning pains together. GIMP did give me some idea of channels though. I'll PM a summary of what I've learned so far. Granted it's in CS2 but most of it should equate to PS7 pretty good since I'm not that far into CS2 yet.
As to the photo I can't add much that hasn't already been said. I personally would've attacked the dots individually. Rey's tip about the red channel (think of it as a layer with just the red coloring) is cool!
I had an idea about the redish haze that I'm hoping the "pros" can address (that is until I try it out). Can we just use a green gradient on the blue channel and a blue gradient on the green channel to cancel out what's basically a red gradient in the red channel? Don't know if that made sense or not.
Hope you don't mind if I have a go at it Nubs. It'll be good practice for me.

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey