Thanks for taking a look at the contest. Sorry if the rules came off negatively. We have never done a contest before and really just wanted it to be simple.
I'll try to respond to your comments to let you know what we were thinking.
# Judging will be done solely by Altia, Inc. All decisions are final. Entries will be judged on innovative use of PhotoProto features, layout, and aesthetics. Bonus points will be awarded for including the word "PhotoProto" in your interface!"
(There is no guareentee that your work will be judged on your ability, but you do get bounus points for adding their logo.)
Yeah. We just want to get together in a room and pick the three we like best. We didn't want to set up any kind of elaborate voting/tallying system or worry about catching fraudulent votes, etc. I guess you're right that there isn't any guarantee about judging the artist's ability. We have perhaps erred on the side of "easier for us."
"#By submitting your .psd, you grant Altia, Inc. the right to use, modify and/or distribute the work in any manner without notice, attribution or further compensation to the submitter."
"#Submissions must be original, un-copyrighted work."
(Those two combined are very discourageing) - if your idea is worth more than the prize.
Yep, I can understand how you feel. We do want to be able to use/share/modify/whatever the creative work. It is something to consider since you'll essentially be giving Altia rights to what is created. We don't mind if you keep using it/giving it out yourself, but there are no restrictions on what we can do with it once it is submitted.
Someone else also asked about getting credit if it is used. That's what we were trying to get at with the "no attribution" piece above. Entrants shouldn't expect to be named when/if the design is shared/modified/whatever. We may end up giving credit, but we certainly don't want to be obligated to do so in perpetuity.
And I
would expect to see some of these designs show up at least on our web page to get people thinking about the kinds of things they can do with PhotoProto.
"#Altia reserves the right to select a new winner if unable to contact the original winner within 7 days or if the original winner does not meet the eligibility requirements."
"# Limit one prize per person for this contest."
(which in a previous statment means)
"...Submit as many designs as you like"
(Just dont expect to win more than one prize even if all of your interfaces are miles better than the rest or thier favorate you will only get one prize. and if they fail to contact you then you will lose your prize, if you do not meet with thier specifications then bye bye prize as well)
We want to encourage as many people as possible to enter and didn't want to make everyone wait for their prizes while one person holds up the works (it's going to be the holiday season, after all

). It also seemed a good idea to ensure all the entrants that not one single person who has used our tools before is going to walk off with all the prizes. We're hoping to share the love.
"Substitute prizes of equal or greater value may be awarded if prize becomes unavailable. No prize transfer or cash redemption. Taxes and all other unspecified expenses are sole responsibility of winner. Winner will be notified by email on or about 12/19/06 and may be announced on the Altia web site."
As long as you meet requirements and have a good idea ya willing to sacrifice for the prize then enter.
The 30 GB iPod and 2 GB Nano have safely arrived and (barring a catastrophe here) will definitely be awarded. Supposedly, the Shuffle is "in the system" at Apple. This clause was just to let you know you're going to get a equal-or-better prize even if Apple can't get us what we're promising.
Whew! That ended up being longer than I thought. Well, I hope these answers didn't turn you all off too much. Thanks again for taking a look. I look forward to seeing what you can come up with!
Good luck!