thanks everybody!
We will keep posting our updates and in the mean time just enjoy for as much as we can.
It's getting harder and harder for me to walk around with the big belly
Goeny is getting a lot of : "i wish it woud come now" and "i'm so sick and tiered of it!" from me.

But he understands my feelings and let's me complain as much as i like without getting sick and tiered of me. He know's i'm still happy with it (DUH!) but i'm so tiered and curious of course!
We still have the envelope we got at 21 weeks with the gender written in it closed!

( i expected we wouldn't be able to keep it closed for 30 minutes after we got home from the ultrasound

With only 7,5 weeks to go we are not going to open the envelope anymore but we will bring it to the hospital to see if the docter was right about the gender.
It's realy annoying sometimes knowing that we can just open it and see if it will be a boy or a girl, but i'll be strong and leave it closed
All the best to all of you and we'll talk soon!
Big hug,