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Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:54 pm Reply with quote
hahaahha nigeria....still funny.
WAIT A MINUTE?!?! she said that it was just for me! I just wired her my account numbers an hour ago! 
Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:56 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote:
WAIT A MINUTE?!?! she said that it was just for me! I just wired her my account numbers an hour ago! 
Tsk, tsk...
You, sir get an offical
{{mumble grumble}}
for that!

Location: Tripping the lights Fandango
Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:01 pm Reply with quote
OK first of all this isn't me or my child I got it in e-mail...I did state that at the beginning...
2nd of all I can not say it is made up or not but I would like to think it is true...sappy/syrupy maybe but a little kindness never killed anyone DOC
3rd Marx.......sigh...Instilling the Fear of a Higher power in a child and Karma for not acting responsible is really not a bad is all in how it is done.I think that's 3/4 of the problems today..
Young kids aren't taught right from wrong and the consequences so they do what the fuck they want..and tend to be rather insensitive to others plights,hmmmm were you one of those children perhaps???
read it...don't read it....or STFU and chop sum ting 
Location: USA
Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:04 pm Reply with quote
[Trying to ignore pointless religious argument because nobody will change their minds about what they believe because somebody got mad at them]
What a beautiful story! I've heard of a lot of these kinds of things happening when kids write letters to God in the mail. What an awesome ministry! When I was ten and my dog died, my school librarian introduced me to that book. Was this a forwarded email, or do you know the family?
_________________ ~/`~
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:13 pm Reply with quote
Insesitivity... hmm i dunno i think its a gift. :p
An religion has plenty to answer for even upto this date.
" inRolling Eyes yeah cause having religion is ones life is such a BAD thing...
when you have kids Marx (which I hope is never) you can instill your own crappy values upon them."
My values..
I only have a few.
Only kick em when there down only as a preventative measure unless they stole from ya, in that case get ya digs in
Call it like ya see it. Hey if you cant be honest then you'd be a liar. and theives lie.
the rest are laws...
i dont wish i was one of those kids... i was in sunday school when i realised it was crap.
i was taught all the consequences. but turns out when a gang beats you up 10 on 1... and you get threatend with a knife... well god cant be on both sides and cant slap anyones hand.
but jujitsu helps mwuhahaha. poor broken knifeman it was nly a 6th kyu move
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:24 pm Reply with quote
Marx-Man wrote: Insesitivity... hmm i dunno i think its a gift. :p
Location: Tripping the lights Fandango
Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:28 pm Reply with quote
kallekelly wrote: [Trying to ignore pointless religious argument because nobody will change their minds about what they believe because somebody got mad at them]
What a beautiful story! I've heard of a lot of these kinds of things happening when kids write letters to God in the mail. What an awesome ministry! When I was ten and my dog died, my school librarian introduced me to that book. Was this a forwarded email, or do you know the family?
AMEN to that add Politics to that also...those choosing to ignore and stand behind any idiot in power will never be swayed..blind faith is scarey...your talking to the hand at that point..there sure are alot of idiots in power too...
so your librarian was your angel it's good to believe in sum ting..
I believe I will have another's five o'clock somewhere..if it isn't then screw it I am going for it anyway!
Marx ...
Location: Brazil
Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:33 pm Reply with quote
Marx-Man wrote: i was taught all the consequences. but turns out when a gang beats you up 10 on 1... and you get threatend with a knife... well god cant be on both sides and cant slap anyones hand.
but jujitsu helps mwuhahaha. poor broken knifeman it was nly a 6th kyu move
so, should we feel sorry for you? Not cause of yer 10 on 1 issue, but for yer arrogance... should we?
some people really can't see when they're not welcome...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:47 pm Reply with quote
Marx-Man wrote: My values..
I only have a few.
Only kick em when there down only as a preventative measure unless they stole from ya, in that case get ya digs in
Call it like ya see it. Hey if you cant be honest then you'd be a liar. and theives lie.
the rest are laws...
Woah.... So, you know everything about Photoshop AND morality. Man, am I glad you showed up. Where would I be without your tidbits of wisdom?!
Regardless of what you believe, can it be a bad thing to make someone else smile? 
Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:50 pm Reply with quote
Morals? What are these morals you speak of? I don't think I have very many of them...if at all 
Location: USA
Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:29 pm Reply with quote
AMEN to that add Politics to that also...those choosing to ignore and stand behind any idiot in power will never be swayed..blind faith is scarey...your talking to the hand at that point..there sure are alot of idiots in power too...
so your librarian was your angel it's good to believe in sum ting..
Ugg... don't get me started on politics. Just don't.
_________________ ~/`~
Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:56 pm Reply with quote
Quote: Regardless of what you believe, can it be a bad thing to make someone else smile? I guess people like Marx are too much hurt to let these kind of emotions come up inside of them. Guess he's a very sad and empty person to say such kind of things... Just like so many. I really feel sorry to see this reaction.
Marx, take a therapist and clean up your life, so you can spread a bit of love. That's what we need here on this planet, nothing else. And I guess you're in need of it.
Sassy, I love your story. I don't care if it's made up or not. It really touched me. I wish it was real.
Here's a thread of the friend of the lady, that passed this story to some of her friends:
Location: Tripping the lights Fandango
Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:32 pm Reply with quote
This is one of the Comments from the One who posted it...
Nicola and everyone thank you so much for your kind comments. I thought it was a wonderful "good news" story too. However, as I said in the beginning it came from my friend Joy. Her daughter is Merideth and yes they are outstanding people and I am honored to call Joy "friend". After she sent this to me, I asked her permission to share it with all of you. I guess I was in a rush and forgot the quotes.
OK so its true so the Moral of the story is..
"Practice Random acts of Kindness" cause you never know how far it can really go..I have a true story of one of my random acts of Kindness do you?? if not its not to late to still do one  GO FOR IT!
I was at a gas station one day and watched as a Police Cruise Pushed an old beater car into the gas station as it had run out of gas and the lady driving looked haggard and beat with 5 kids in the car all looking in need of a good meal,guess the cop felt compassion for did I, he got her to a pump and took off she got out and was counting her pennies (literally) I went over and asked her if she was ok and she just Lost it completely,she had left an abusive relationship literally with the clothes on her and the kids backs...I swiped my credit card and filled her tank then took them over to McDonalds and bought alot of double hamburgers and drinks for them along with gift certificates to get them to her sisters..I let her call her sister on my cell phone to let her know she was trying to get there and the sister agreed to meet her at a designated hotel where she booked them a room untill she could get there..I gave her a 50.00 bill and sent them on their way....all this cost me around 100.00
the look of gratitude and being called an Angel...Priceless!
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