Marx-Man wrote:
i dont remember boasting
Your "Marx is here" thread, I believe is what Sassy is referring to. Oh... and the tutorial thing on terminology... I think you eventually deleted that one, though.
Marx-Man wrote:
just when i thought i brushed up all the rubble sassy tips it over...
By the timestamps, I'd guess that Sassy was still composing her message while you posted yours. That's a common occurance.
Marx-Man wrote:
i have a problem?
i just thought i fueled other peoples problem with me
like i say people taking me literally is a major mistake
1) depends on whether you care about making new friends and becoming part of this
2) yes, but finally acknowledging that is not the same as an apology for doing it.
3) most of us give others, especially NEWCOMERS, the benefit of the doubt--meaning you are taken AT YOUR WORD... that's all we have to go by... No one else but YOU can be responsible for how you represent yourself.
My suggestion, Marx-Man... start over... discard this username, PLEASE keep "Marx-Man's" personality on a short leash... with a tight muzzle... lay low... probably even use a new name if you want to stay with PSC... you've caused a lot of upset and many people will pre-judge you by what history (however little) they know of you. Some people are not fooled by aliases, though... so be aware of that, too. And, with the hurt feelings you've caused, I can actually hear the groans at my suggestion of you starting over... sorry, folks, but I AM being my ever-honest self.)
If you stay on PSC... take a break,
then start over, whether you keep your current account or not... and... this has nothing to do with "morality" or "religion"... think about how you would probably like to be treated... yes, the "golden rule": treat others the way you WOULD HAVE them treat you... another way of looking at it is your treatment of others will generally be reflected back in how you are treated.... just a thought. is not simply a "look what I can do" site, but one geared for learning... share what you know, and be open to sharing what other people know... I guarantee there is a LOT to share around here as no ONE of us has ALL the answers.
ReinMan put it best (at least) once: I'm an idiot. I learned that by saying "I KNOW THAT" is the best way to stop the learning process.
And, I know the conversation has continued while I composed and picked out my words... still, here ya' go.