EJH... could one interpret your words in the way that you see here a problem with people voting an average entry up to the top?
Last time i tried to talk about that, you were babbling something about dancing monkeys. but thanks for your input anyway...
Back to topic, it is a constant issue here on PSC. As far as i know (and have heard) there were always aliases, friends votes and vote whoring and it has always been a problem.
Personally i find "real" friends voting almost natural on such a site. Even if it is unfair and certainly "discriminating" newbies, there won't be a way around it. PSC is a community and as such basic social rules and behaviors apply. If you see a "friend's" post, you vote for it. Fine. I am doubting that such things are used to make somebody
intentionally a winner.
More of a problem i see in vote whoring. I would even consider "to imply to newbies that one is a great chopper and their "friend" to make them voting for that person" as a kind of it. Bad thing imo, since it significantly distorts the normal voting, which got recently even more interesting with all the nice prizes everybody wants to win.
Using aliases for voting is not even worth to talk about.
To put it short, vote whoring and aliases i also see as cheating and i find it a good thing to point such cases out.
The major problem is, that PSC lacks a system against that. It depends on "personal investigations" and a long-term knowledge of the site and the people here. And if somebody is caught then there are no "official" rules how to deal with it.
It makes it generally hard to accuse somebody and it could, of course, lead to hunts for persons who are actually "clean". That is what Scionshade meant. If you start "seeing patterns" (hi arc

) you better shut up because you could as well be wrong.
If you say something, you have to count on contra, discussions and conspiracy theories and still no "official" support.
Since i have no idea how it could be handled, i can only say...cheating is bad. If one is (obviously) suspicious it must be allowed to bring it up and if there is proof it should have consequences.
...and that nobody says now i was too short or did not entertain you!
mmm... ok, for the "visual orientated" of you i'll put it in pictures:
you play like
and someone sees it
then we like
... and now somebody hand me some chips and beer pls...