Why, Kansas it's simply....
beau monde (that's French, I think)
amazing, alarming, astonishing, awe-inspiring, beautiful, breathtaking, exalted, far out, formidable, grand, hairy(?), horrible, horrifying, imposing, impressive, intimidating, magnificent, majestic, mind-blowing, moving, overwhelming, shocking, striking, stunning, stupefying, terrible, terrifying, wonderful, wondrous, zero cool*(?), admirable, alluring, angelic, beauteous, bewitching, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fine, foxy*, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, lovely, magnificent, marvelous, nice, pleasing, pretty, pulchritudinous, radiant, ravishing, refined, resplendent, shapely, sightly, splendid, statuesque, stunning, sublime, superb, symmetrical, taking, well-formed, wonderful
I LOVE YOUR *fill in the blank* THREAD!!!
and...AND now I can put all these words to use on your chops!