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Location: Northern California
Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:19 am Reply with quote
Hello everyone from PSC! I would like to say that I have had a great time here with you guys. All my life I have always wanted to win and to get something in return for my hard work. I know I'm not a professional Photoshop artist, hell probably I'll never be one but some of you are really talented and your work is of the finest caliber. A number of of you win constantly; people really love your work, I know I do! But I feel as if I was entering a losing contest.
First thing I check in the morning when I wake up is if I have any E-mails. LOL… I only get spam *figures* so I sit there waiting for 10 minutes to see if ill get something , usually I get more spam.
Well to make this long short, I would really like to win once in my life. There are tons of people here at PSC that have a long time here and they have never won, and all of those people are asking themselves why? Well for few reasons: you don’t get enough votes and your image is not good enough.
I know that some of you are so good and you win so many times that you forget that there are other people here too, people with good talents, people that work as hard as you. I guess when we were little we heard so many times to always do our best that we always want to excel at what we do. We know you guys are the best trust me!
So next time you win think of all the other people that didn’t and remember always winning is not fun.
Finest Call

Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:30 am Reply with quote
You really haven't done that bad for a new guy...
Location: Silver Spring, MD
Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:02 am Reply with quote
The truth is you pretty much have to be an advantage member to win... if you are advantage you get to see the source images up to 30days out. If not you see them when voting opens up. Some people try to vote on the last day but not too much to win. Your work isn't bad... plus if you aren't winning chances are you have to get better... thats what I am here for. To get better and mabye with practice and luck I may win one or two... my objective right now is to end up on the first page (12th place and above). I got close but was off by a couple votes
It did need to be brighter. I was still happy because I knew I liked what I did and I shared it with my family and they liked it.
Well that was longer than expected, I guess my point is winning isn't everything. Its just a goal we all try to accomplish everyday of our PSC lives.
Don't give up 
Location: Silver Spring, MD
Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:13 am Reply with quote
holy crap... I was looking through your portfolio on DA... I had seen your piece, "Hearts", before... I really liked that one. I didn't know that you had done that.  forget what I had said about getting better. You got skill, since you are not advantage you need to work quick... you'd get the votes.
Location: The United Kingdom!
Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:40 am Reply with quote
I always find it funny...
when advantage members take days to do somthing and sombody who has a time constraint will churn out somthing on par or possibly better...
but the time taken will always play a factor...
oh he spent longer so he deserves it. when i always thought faster is better
"if it takes you five hours to make a person younger your doing it wrong. Stop doing it wrong." Rhys...
"if you can do it faster then faster is better. time is a commodity that is vauable. if you can fix an image up to an acceptable standard, then image touch ups and minor perfection tweaks are easier to perform with the extra time you now have" james jackaman
More time taken is better is daft considering the time constraint on a contest which is rougly an hour after it opens if ya dont post work the chance of catching up to sombody who already has votes on a pre post already blitzing ya.
If a non advantage member wins.
well that would mean..
- they were creative enough to make an excellent chop capble of defeating someone with 30 times more preptime
- they did it under a time constraint
with a 50% poorer quality source image.
- against people with a vote advantage from the out set of usually 10 ior more
- against people who had the source for a month in advance
long story short
Non advantage members are on hard mode. yeah i like hard mode its more rewarding when ya clear a game on hard
Location: Australia
Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:48 am Reply with quote
(Steps up on the ACME 2000 soap box...straightens tie)
bneises wrote: The truth is you pretty much have to be an advantage member to win...
That is so untrue...I won my first two contests with out advantage...and some of the big time winners have done so as well. This place is slowly becomming more about winning prizes than what it use to be, learning, helping and best of bloody all meeting like minded people.
finestcall if you want to leave then leave dont be so damn melodramatic...shit I waited for almost 10 months before I had a winning image...suck it up. If you just forget about the winning anf try and learn and participate with the forums and chat you my just start learning a good life leason...that being that there is more to life than to win.
Listen to bneises, "plus if you aren't winning chances are you have to get better... thats what I am here for. To get better and mabye with practice and luck I may win one or two... my objective right now is to end up on the first page ".
Forget the win, and dont be so bloody petty because others win more frequently, just enjoy the moment and chop, ya got skills and lack the wisdom to wait and we all do at some time. Take it from a 44 year old electrician with no formal PS qualifications, watch listen and learn. If you get good enought you may win and good for you, if not you come out in front by learning...its win win.
As Jdog said
Shut the Fuc* Up and Chop
(Steps of soap box...clears throat)
Location: Australia
Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:04 am Reply with quote
Marx-Man wrote:
If a non advantage member wins.
well that would mean..
- they were creative enough to make an excellent chop capble of defeating someone with 30 times more preptime
- they did it under a time constraint
with a 50% poorer quality source image.
- against people with a vote advantage from the out set of usually 10 ior more
- against people who had the source for a month in advance
long story short
Non advantage members are on hard mode. yeah i like hard mode its more rewarding when ya clear a game on hard
Man you guys that have just moved in here make me laugh...before prises and monthly images and shit, it was about the chop, talk to splodge and anfa and scion and some of the other long time members...most of there wins were off the cuff 30 minute chops...look at there images clean crisp and funny or true to life...then check the one bitched about winning or loosin...(Ok vote freinds will always be an issue)...and fu*k me they helped each other...Marx-man you are yet to cut your teeth here mate, and you are entitled to your opinion but time you started to back it up with some of this quality choppin mate.
Location: Silver Spring, MD
Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:18 am Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote:
bneises wrote: The truth is you pretty much have to be an advantage member to win...
That is so untrue...I won my first two contests with out advantage...and some of the big time winners have done so as well. This place is slowly becomming more about winning prizes than what it use to be, learning, helping and best of bloody all meeting like minded people.
I knew that was the wrong thing to say... I didn't mean "you have to be". What I ment was "it helps alot to be advantage"
blue_lurker wrote:
finestcall if you want to leave then leave dont be so damn melodramatic...shit I waited for almost 10 months before I had a winning image...suck it up.
I agree with this... I just didn't want to be the one to say it. 
Location: Australia
Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:24 am Reply with quote
Ya right bneises its a huge "ADVANTAGE", but if a chop has that X factor it will win, I have not see an image in the winning circle that did not deserve to be there, but lets forget about winning, and whinning...chop, enjoy, learn take the bumps and lumps be adult and move on to the next round of chops.
Shit Im an advantage member and I have not entered a contest for over 6 months, why because this is one of the best sites around...(Mighty Midget Jelly Wrestlin comes first)...but this place is a close second...I come here for the friends I have made and the new friends I can make and to learn how to chop.
Location: dutchy in germany > in Slovenia
Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:52 am Reply with quote
Marx-Man wrote:
 Ähm.... so.. yours got 1 vote and the other one (with twice as many votes) got in total 2 votes....
Yo... I dont know about statistics, but comparing those 2 chops is the same as when you compare Santa with the Easter Bunny. My humble opinion.
Location: Sydney
Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:52 am Reply with quote
Marx-Man wrote: takee thiss for an example.
great example, one got 1 vote, the other got twice that many!
finestcall - you've been here less than 2 months, entered just 10 pics, and you're already calling it a day? is your motto "if at first you don't succeed, give up"?
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:55 am Reply with quote
I took a year and a half to get a win.
What ya say about greedy popularity wins, can't argue
with that...but blame the voters for it.
Good or bad, honest, this is the only chop site where
ya can really have a good time. It's definately the only one where if ya develop yer own style you can have friends that appreciate it.
Location: Silver Spring, MD
Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:02 am Reply with quote
I'd like to hear Fine's reply... if he already hasn't left yet.
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