cold.... frosty outside, we search, but to no avail. The leader of the expidition known only as PSC is nowhere to be found.
Wandering are his crew, lost without the guidance he brings....
no sign of his location apparent to anyone.
basically where is Jez, are the prize comps for this coming week off as its christmas?
and what of the weeks to follow
no December Mega Uber Doober prize either?
anyone know anything, I pressume he is on holiday, a welll deserved one, yet I have seen people chatting about his lack of being around for the last 3 weeks.
long holiday?
just seems a bit odd, as most can usually get hold of him fairly quickly. So in conclusion just wanting to know if all is ok.
Which it no doubt is
So go forth people, and find JMH, shelter and warm drinks will be provided to those who need it on there travels