TofuTheGreat wrote:
But this does make me wonder why firms like Napster (the original), KaZaa and others be busted when their users put copy writ material out for others use? The site itself isn't doing it.
My son used to collect guitar "tabs" online. His favorite site was shut down because the users were posting copyrighted tabs in the message boards.
Seems that the interpretation and enforcement of copyrights is sketchy.
Well i can clear this up..
As a user of the site you usually but not always agree to post origional work.. like this site does.
kazaa is a proxy and will be treated as such.
For example
A smugggler is a proxie
Kazaa or napster. you can upload through them but in doing so they advertise to you., but seeing as the transaction itself is illegal and not activly discouraged they are to blame.
passive discouragment and disclaimers do not always protect you....
especially when the transactions are gooing through you
This mp3 should cost you 4 pounds as net value on cd but get it free from a friend and under cut the market... wheres the contract stating you can do that. nope illegal. as mp3s are always condisered for personal use.
Tradeing for other mp3s is illlegal and anyone who does so may be sued if caught this includes alllowing yourself to be a proxy for trade.
"hand it to me and ill give it to him"
of course this doesnt apply if your the creator or you have disrobution rights.