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Location: Tacoma, WA since march 2010, born and raised in Belgium

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 5:49 pm   Reply with quote         

Something freaky happened at work this evening.
I work in a shop and tonight...the first time in the 2 years i work there..we had a staffmeeting...
We were just finishing the meeting in the storehouse, when somebody saw something moving in the shop...he thought he saw somebody climbing up a ladder..but everybody was present in the storehouse..
We ran to the shop and one of the ceilingboards was removed and there was a ladder comming out of the ceiling!!!! Not even a ladder that belonged to the shop! Some guys outside waiting for their girlfriend (my colleagues) said they saw a ladder comming down...then a guy comming down and going straight back up.. We were all frightened to death off course and called the police...but they found nobody when they arrived...
How the burglar did it is still a mistery...there are 2 more floors above the shop.. where nobody lives...and the shop is located in a very crowded street... He probably came in by a platformroof witch you can only reach from one of the neighbouring houses. He probably took the ladder from a building-site 3 houses next to the shop must have climbed with the ladder over 3 roofs ..and there was a storm Shocked And then there is still the mistery about how he got in the space between the ceiling and the floor above... Shocked Shocked Shocked
So that was it...police found nothing and we went home...all very shaken up...
If they told me now it was candid camera i would believe it Laughing

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 5:58 pm   Reply with quote         

I have an alibi, was working on a chop Shocked

I used to do stuff around here

Location: Las Vegas Baby!

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:07 pm   Reply with quote         

Dot wrote:

I work in a shop

A jewelry shop? Auto body shop? Chop Shop? heh

I'd say your employer has been or will be video taping and they didn't want to deal with it in front of you. Hence the meeting for the first time ever. Maybe they were testing for asbestos or mold and didn't want people to know for fear of being sued.

chop chop

Location: Tacoma, WA since march 2010, born and raised in Belgium

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:14 pm   Reply with quote         

janetdog wrote:
Dot wrote:

I work in a shop

A jewelry shop? Auto body shop? Chop Shop? heh

I'd say your employer has been or will be video taping and they didn't want to deal with it in front of you. Hence the meeting for the first time ever. Maybe they were testing for asbestos or mold and didn't want people to know for fear of being sued.

Laughing I wish it was that..wouldn't be frightened then to go back to work...

Don't know how to describe what kind of shop it is... so


Location: Quebec (CAN) & France

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:16 pm   Reply with quote         

firts police inquiry X-files style ever in PSC. Nice. Let's find out what happens....better than TV, Thanx Dot Laughing Please let us know as soon as possible the police's conclusions. Me i think it was Gerard Majax (a so called illusionis-magician d french dude)

Location: Tacoma, WA since march 2010, born and raised in Belgium

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:35 pm   Reply with quote         

Please let us know as soon as possible the police's conclusions.

don't know if we'll hear much more of it...but if I do...i'll post it right away. Wink


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:20 pm   Reply with quote         


- someone around here find a picture for that, wouldya?


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: London

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:07 pm   Reply with quote         

Dot wrote:
Something freaky happened at work this evening.
I work in a shop and tonight...the first time in the 2 years i work there..we had a staffmeeting...
We were just finishing the meeting in the storehouse, when somebody saw something moving in the shop...he thought he saw somebody climbing up a ladder..but everybody was present in the storehouse..
We ran to the shop and one of the ceilingboards was removed and there was a ladder comming out of the ceiling!!!! Not even a ladder that belonged to the shop! Some guys outside waiting for their girlfriend (my colleagues) said they saw a ladder comming down...then a guy comming down and going straight back up.. We were all frightened to death off course and called the police...but they found nobody when they arrived...
How the burglar did it is still a mistery...there are 2 more floors above the shop.. where nobody lives...and the shop is located in a very crowded street... He probably came in by a platformroof witch you can only reach from one of the neighbouring houses. He probably took the ladder from a building-site 3 houses next to the shop must have climbed with the ladder over 3 roofs ..and there was a storm Shocked And then there is still the mistery about how he got in the space between the ceiling and the floor above... Shocked Shocked Shocked
So that was it...police found nothing and we went home...all very shaken up...
If they told me now it was candid camera i would believe it Laughing

I love Ghent. Are you and Grefix anywhere near Ghent coz I love Ghent. DId I mention that I loved Ghent ?

I've been to Ghent on 5 seperate occasions.


Location: London

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:10 pm   Reply with quote         

ReinMan wrote:

- someone around here find a picture for that, wouldya?


someones set up a proper url for him

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:34 pm   Reply with quote         

Thanks Shaman for the (unknowing) use of your chop.

I know the perspective is way off. Sue me. Laughing Razz

Post Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:54 pm   Reply with quote         

Dot wrote:
Something freaky happened at work this evening.
I work in a shop and tonight...the first time in the 2 years i work there..we had a staffmeeting...
We were just finishing the meeting in the storehouse, when somebody saw something moving in the shop...he thought he saw somebody climbing up a ladder..but everybody was present in the storehouse..
We ran to the shop and one of the ceilingboards was removed and there was a ladder comming out of the ceiling!!!! Not even a ladder that belonged to the shop! Some guys outside waiting for their girlfriend (my colleagues) said they saw a ladder comming down...then a guy comming down and going straight back up.. We were all frightened to death off course and called the police...but they found nobody when they arrived...
How the burglar did it is still a mistery...there are 2 more floors above the shop.. where nobody lives...and the shop is located in a very crowded street... He probably came in by a platformroof witch you can only reach from one of the neighbouring houses. He probably took the ladder from a building-site 3 houses next to the shop must have climbed with the ladder over 3 roofs ..and there was a storm Shocked And then there is still the mistery about how he got in the space between the ceiling and the floor above... Shocked Shocked Shocked
So that was it...police found nothing and we went home...all very shaken up...
If they told me now it was candid camera i would believe it Laughing

Sounds like a smart cookie to me.

Paul Von Stetina

Location: Deep Shit

Post Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:32 am   Reply with quote         

bsoholic wrote:

Thanks Shaman for the (unknowing) use of your chop.

I know the perspective is way off. Sue me. Laughing Razz

OK BS, I know animals had to be harmed in this production Surprised where did you come up with that one so fast Laughing

Dot, check out how fast someone with a ladder can be Shocked


Location: The United Kingdom!

Post Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:09 am   Reply with quote         

I love the way you say its a mystery then say how it could be done thats real scooby doo right thar



Location: Tacoma, WA since march 2010, born and raised in Belgium

Post Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:20 am   Reply with quote         

Marx-Man wrote:
I love the way you say its a mystery then say how it could be done thats real scooby doo right thar

Try reading my explanation again...but turn on your brain this time... Razz
mystery:how he got in the ceiling
how it could have been done: enter the building

djeez.. Rolling Eyes


Location: The United Kingdom!

Post Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:56 am   Reply with quote         

Dot wrote:

there are 2 more floors above the shop..
where nobody lives...
the shop is located in a very crowded street...
He probably came in by a platformroof
you can only reach from one of the neighbouring houses.
He probably took the ladder from a building-site 3 houses next to the shop
Must have climbed with the ladder over 3 roofs
..and there was a storm
And then there is still the mistery about how he got in the space between the ceiling and the floor above...

Well that easy a ceiling is just the floor abouve take up the foor boards and put em back when your done


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