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the burning couch
Location: I don't know, but it sure is dark in here
Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:26 am Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote:Quote: I think it is time that Fonzie Rides The Shark.... Very Happy
uhhh...isnt that supposed ta be " Jumps The Shark" ?  .... I know small detail, but.....
Location: London, UK
Fri Jan 12, 2007 5:00 am Reply with quote
Hm.. interesting indeed that most people here have been able to keep this thread going in a mostly polite and respectful way... been a while since we've seen a "heavy" topic like this covered as well and going for so many pages without collapsing into a bitch-fest which required moderators to close/delete...
Personally, I believe:
1) There is a God - a single, intelligent being who provides creative energy and has a purpose for his creation, not multiple gods/goddesses, not a vague impersonal force or "collective entity", and not just an "old man on a cloud" type detached and/or remote from creation;
2) That the Bible is God's word;
3) That spiritual truth and the possible existence of a god and are not the same as "religion", and many people from both religious and non/anti-religious viewpoints forget this or deliberately fail to draw the distinction.
One reason why I sympathise with agnostics and atheists who get very upset and/or angry at "religious" people is because of the falsehoods about God and spirituality that most of the major religions have perpetuated through the centuries. And increasingly today in particular, that a lot of people who claim themselves to be "religious" clearly use it as a label or cover - just a cursory glance at their day-to-day behaviour or their attitudes shows they do not actually believe what they claim to.
However, these facts are not sufficient reason to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" and claim that since lots of 'Christian' people are nothing of the sort, all Christianity/religion/belief is false and there is no God. That's a convenient get-out for those who don't want to face spiritual questions, or have already fixed on a position that all religion is a sop.
To compare - most people agree that most political parties in every country from across the spectrum are often dishonest, don't do what they claim or constantly screw up - but hardly anyone would use that as justification for junking all politics and political issues/debates around the world. However, that reasonable distinction goes out of the window with those who say the world's religions are dishonest or don't do what they claim, and then make the leap of logic that therefore there is no God and/or no need to examine spiritual things. It's that kind of inconsistency of thinking and approach that annoys me with a number of agnostic (and particularly atheistic) people, since they often display the same kind of contradictory, muddled or closed-minded thinking that they (admittedly often rightly) accuse religious people of showing, while at the same time claiming to be more "realistic", "logic" or "practical" in their thinking than a religious person.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Fri Jan 12, 2007 5:47 am Reply with quote
I see peoples point about creationism, but logically, as I know the universe I am part of, and all things around me that I interact with or otherwise, I just can't believe the bible as it is written. To me it always has been a book that has sold really well with some great stories in. But thats all.
also, slightly different area of the topic, I love it when Jehovah’s Witnesses come to my door, I against the sterotype of getting rid of them as soon as possible, I love having a debate on the doorstep, hey, I have even invited some in for a cup of tea
I just put my point across, as do they, although mostly a little more pressurised, in a kind of join us way  but alas, what always happens is the conversation starts going in vast circles. Me putting forward my views, they do likewise, I even occaisionally admit that in some cases they may have a point, they sadly never do the same. Not all religions are the same obviously, I am just using experiences I have had. But in this instance, I am always dissapointed they are never open to my views in any small way at all. This, is where on a grander and more political scale a war is then born, when 2 groups dispute, and have no room to take new views.
A big part of what is up with the world sadly.
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:17 am Reply with quote
well you pretty much know what i think.
rofl a m8 of mine (atheist of course) Some jehovahs witnesses come to his dooor
Chris (we all call him squirrel) asked his dad if he could get the door for em and his dad was like yeah...
So he gets some ketchup smothers his hands in it and answers the door yelling we are satanists your not welcome here... those guys crap thier pants it was so funny because when squirrel looked out of the window they were all outside praying for them lol...
When jehovahs witnesses come to my door and theres a cute on ill chat her up.. divide and conquer. let her in but not the other chaps.
she'll be asking questions so i do my famous gradual topic change...
so what got you into the jehovahs witness thing...
Must have been a real eye opener huh...
how did that make you feel...
Would you like a drink of cocoa.
Ya know most people come in and are like well convert you but your a lot nicer...
(basic leading questions they think your interested but actually you already know what the answers are gonna be.)
works every time.. the tricky part is dividing em up. because they work better in packs.
But once you hve one they will listen to aything yu have to say aslong as you prime em right. the trick is not to question their beliefs but make them question it with a question like...
Most jehovahs witnesses are very prudish but you seem more relaxed are you sure you made the right choice i mean you could make a good therapist. whilst shes drinking her cocoa.
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:35 am Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: ... the conversation starts going in vast circles. Me putting forward my views, they do likewise, I even occaisionally admit that in some cases they may have a point, they sadly never do the same. Not all religions are the same obviously, I am just using experiences I have had. But in this instance, I am always dissapointed they are never open to my views in any small way at all. This, is where on a grander and more political scale a war is then born, when 2 groups dispute, and have no room to take new views.
A big part of what is up with the world sadly.
Sounded like you didn't much care for theirs.
There’s another way of conversion...
The three main converting points...
Human realises there is no deity
Human realises there is a religion that better suits his/her needs
Human wants what the religion won’t allow but wants it more than the religion
You will never ever be able to convince somebody there is no god by saying it off the bat.
Ask them what they do in their spare time and liken it to a different religion. Then they question their choice. Although most are similar or even say well do that but I don’t pray every morning or get talked down to in a condescending manner by a guy on a podium whose life has been lived around a church.
(side note I love those kids who go to Vegas and get married just to have sex and then divorce... rofl oh man that’s good... like a deity wont notice the abuse of the system.)
Also love to hear the phrase... I found god.
I just say I found god too. but later I learned I was all a lie and make a sad face and leave the room that ones a gooden... 9 out of 10 times they follow you out asking why what happened is it going to happen to me..
Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:41 am Reply with quote
HTUK??? so you're alive...
There is a god in each one of us.
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:44 am Reply with quote
Aint that the truth Marco, above all else, people need to keep an open mind, no matter how crazy something sounds, if you don't believe something, fine, but at least entertain the thought, if you do believe something and others don't, all you can do is put forth your point of view, and hope others are not offended to the point where they want to kill you.
I've always wondered how people would react if Alien life was ever truly discovered, and the whole Adam and Eve story was turned upside down, would you act any differently if you found out tomorrow that we were just an experiment from some Grey's? Don't you find it interesting that few humans use even 10% of their brains, and that maybe were capable of doing things no one thought possible, like communicating telepathically, or meditating to the point were you don't age as fast, maybe the ability to heal with touch, or through thought, 90% of an unused brain is a lot of wasted space, I know it would help me with my chops 
Location: Northern California
Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:52 am Reply with quote
Quote: Disclaimer:
My opinions do not reflect the opinions
of user finestcall for i am only
his associate
I hope you guys read that!
Joel is a friend of mine and he is into religion, so his views do not represent my views.
This is finestcall views of religion
1) Believe in GOD
2) Believe in Christ
3) Believe in Myself
I don't like church or pray since is only a waste of time.
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:57 am Reply with quote
Most humans use 93 core percent of their brain mass every second varying on the task they are performing. this can be proven on a cat scan if you loose even 6 square millimetres you will forget a fairly sizable chunk of what has happened, or motor function in a certain part of the body, vision, muscle memory, even the ability to talk. if you take the right 6 millimetres you will forget you should breath or that your heart should beat.
The idea that brain function is based on 10 percent is a myth which was crushed with technology.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:12 am Reply with quote
I'm sorry, Paul, ya just made me choke on my morning coffee.
As a Christian, I imagine yer referring to people like us,
I have to ask--why, if say it actually happened,
life was found on other worlds...
Why do you think that would disprove how man got to be here?
*edit* I'm sorry..
Why do you think it would turn it upside down?
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:13 am Reply with quote
ill gt it... if there are other planets iit means man wasnt created first... and if they happpen to have archives of observation well that makes religion die
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:18 am Reply with quote
Ah, well, does scripture clearly state that man was created first?
I never saw anything absolutely clear on the issue and the exact order of events precluding man.
Perhaps you'd have to show me that 'time' itself existed,
and/or was needed before the creation of man.
Angels for example are an intricate part of our religion,
are they not what you would classify as alien life?
Reminds me of those who have said to me..
"Dinosaurs were only discovered a couple hundred years ago, why aren't they in your bible?"
Well, just because you renamed our dragons as dinosaurs now means that dragons never existed?
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:38 am Reply with quote
Order of creation
Here is the order in the first (Genesis 1), the Priestly tradition:
Day 1: Sky, Earth, light
Day 2: Water, both in ocean basins and above the sky(!)
Day 3: Plants
Day 4: Sun, Moon, stars (as calendrical and navigational aids)
Day 5: Sea monsters (whales), fish, birds, land animals, creepy-crawlies (reptiles, insects, etc.)
Day 6: Humans (apparently both sexes at the same time)
Day 7: Nothing (the Gods took the first day off anyone ever did)
Note that there are "days," "evenings," and "mornings" before the Sun was created.
as days are nenoted by the earths rotation based on the light casted by the sun... and is overall a human concept of time... that means days were made on the 6th day... so how are the previous 5 days measured as day !!!FLAW!!!
"it was good."
whoa there pickle... EVEDENTALLY NOT
light before the sun and the stars now thats somthing, must have bought himself a flash ligh thar... yeah thats it a flash light because we all know there is no light without stars or the sun...
ok perhaps this folly made in seven days... but dinosaurs predate the seven days and we all know the earth existed before then. and we definatly know that the sun has to come first for planetary orbit.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:48 am Reply with quote
I don't see any of that as a problem,i think
you're drawing mistaken conclusions, aside from
your dinosaur statement. Why would dinosaurs have to exist before the Earth?
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:54 am Reply with quote
How can it not be a problem its clearly wrong...
the conclusions are very plain and these are directly taken form contradictions found online. based on the bible quotations..
and yes how would the dinosaurs exist before the earths creation because they predate those seven days
4004 BC- 3004 BC Adam to Methusaleh
3004 BC - 2348 BC Ends with the Flood
2348 BC - 2004 BC Begins with the Flood
2004 BC - 1754 BC Abraham
1754 BC - 1504 BC Joseph in Egypt
1504 BC - 1254 BC Exodus
1254 BC - 1004 BC Judges to Solomon
1004 BC - 754 BC Division of Kingdoms
754 BC - 504 BC Assyrian and Babylonian Captivities, Daniel
504 BC - 254 BC Esther
254 BC - 1 AD Ptolemies govern Jews, Rome governs Jews
1 AD - 250 AD Ministry of Christ, Scattering of the Jews
250 AD - 500 AD Constantine and Ladocia Council
500 AD - 750 AD
750 AD - 1000 AD
1000 AD - 1500 AD
1500 AD - 1999 AD
as taken from
so accoriding to the bible.. 6000 years of earths and the universes existance...
dispite accurate carbon dating which is reliable proven
10,000 yearrs of holocene period makes the timeline of the bible clearly incorrect on its own.. humans predate the bible and thats not going s far back as we could do...
the pliocene epoche 5,000,000 to 1,600,000 years ago when our ancestors evolved.
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