bsoholic wrote:
Yikes Tofu! Thank goodness for the kid who tipped off the admin. Count your blessings things didn't turn out ugly, as they very well could have.
On that note, what the heck is wrong with youth today!? Scary stuff.

Counting and counting again.

And I had the same thought myself (about what's wrong with the kids).
ScionShade wrote:
God bless ya for having a life that this seems extraordinary.
That is a good thing to remember. Thanks for pointing that out Scion. Kind of a silver lining thing eh?
rashdog wrote:
Only one scared the hell out of me.
I see far more good teens than bad ones.
(I'll never forget the time I was called a motherf***er in class by one student, only to be like his best friend the very next year.)

I know there's tons more good kids. The good kids probably outnumber the bad apples 50:1 at this school. Again that's one thing that I should keep reminding myself of.
But it's the thought of that one kid that scares the hell out of the teachers that worries me at night.

I worry that one my kids will be on the wrong side of that one kid's anger and frustration at the wrong time.
I think the reason this incident hit me so bad is that about a month or so ago my daughter and another student overheard a conversation about a drug deal. My daughter and the other kid did the "right thing" and tipped the admins off about what they heard.
A couple kids got suspensions over the incident and somehow my daughter's "anonymous" involvement became known. She got harassed pretty bad for a while. The harassment came from kids not even involved in the original incident.
So I hear about a gun and drugs and I think about retaliation. Probably doesn't help that I went to school in Southern California and remember what the gangs were like.
Anyway thanks for keeping me from freakin' guys! I appreciate the words. A lot.