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Location: VeniceFlaUS
Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:59 am Reply with quote
I'm trying to work with you here..
what is clearly wrong. It's not so clear that i can even see it.
I'm afraid you'd have to give me a specific.
Dinosaurs existed for several thousand years, maybe as few as a couple thousand. I just don't get what you're saying.
*edit* ok, you changed your post.
Hate to tell ya , but carbon dating becomes highly unreliable after a couple thousand years. there are also many variables which effect carbon dating, and even under the best conditions , carbon dating has been proven to be unreliable enough so as to be nearly useless.
*next Edit*- Sorry bro-- ya said 'discussion' at the front of this thread here.
*yet another edit!* HA! Ok..I read the discussion part and it didn't sink in ya wanted it done by PM.
Gran--the qualifier was stated..."carbon dating becomes highly unreliable after a couple thousand years".My statement is not false at all.
Location: Louisville, KY
Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:00 am Reply with quote
As much as I LOVE a good debate (and I do-I'm so resisting the urge), can we move it do pm's? I really would like to keep this thread open, and that's only going to happen if we can stick to the plan, stan.
Your top 3 spiritual beliefs. Nothing more, nothing less.
Thank you. Drive through.
Location: London
Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:06 am Reply with quote
Marx-Man wrote: Hmm...
well you pretty much know what i think.
rofl a m8 of mine (atheist of course) Some jehovahs witnesses come to his dooor
Chris (we all call him squirrel) asked his dad if he could get the door for em and his dad was like yeah...
So he gets some ketchup smothers his hands in it and answers the door yelling we are satanists your not welcome here... those guys crap thier pants it was so funny because when squirrel looked out of the window they were all outside praying for them lol...
When jehovahs witnesses come to my door and theres a cute on ill chat her up.. divide and conquer. let her in but not the other chaps.
she'll be asking questions so i do my famous gradual topic change...
so what got you into the jehovahs witness thing...
Must have been a real eye opener huh...
how did that make you feel...
Would you like a drink of cocoa.
Ya know most people come in and are like well convert you but your a lot nicer...
(basic leading questions they think your interested but actually you already know what the answers are gonna be.)
works every time.. the tricky part is dividing em up. because they work better in packs.
But once you hve one they will listen to aything yu have to say aslong as you prime em right. the trick is not to question their beliefs but make them question it with a question like...
Most jehovahs witnesses are very prudish but you seem more relaxed are you sure you made the right choice i mean you could make a good therapist. whilst shes drinking her cocoa.
Cocoa !! LMFAO !!
YOu expect them to be knocking at around bedtime !!
And...I've never seen a female Jehova's WItness.
Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:09 am Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: Don't you find it interesting that few humans use even 10% of their brains, and that maybe were capable of doing things no one thought possible, like communicating telepathically, or meditating to the point were you don't age as fast, maybe the ability to heal with touch, or through thought, 90% of an unused brain is a lot of wasted space Just for a rectification in your science knowledge, the theory of using 10% is these days a myth wich is hard to get rid off. We use it a full 100%, but it depends on the moment wich parts we use.
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: London
Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:37 am Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote:
... and even under the best conditions , carbon dating has been proven to be unreliable enough so as to be nearly useless.
The above comment is false.
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:32 am Reply with quote
Jordan fades back, and SWOOSH, that's the game!
oh no I just lost the game...
Triple H!!!
c-c-c-c-combo breaker!!!
Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:06 am Reply with quote
I contradict everything marx says Cos I can 
Location: Louisville, KY
Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:53 am Reply with quote
I just can't resist any longer. Sorry if I ruin my own thread. My own good judgment tells me I won't convince a single person, but what the heck.
Marx-Man wrote:
That's only true if the decay of C-14 has been constant, which cannot be proven. Even if we take samples of it from now on and prove that it has been constant since we started taking samples, that doesn't prove that it always has been constant since the beginning of time. Personally, I'm not a scientist (I doubt many of you are either), so these issues do admittedly go over my head. But if you're intested in a comprehensive overview of the scientific Young Earth response to carbon dating, see this article. Plus, there was a HUGE worldwide event that caused all ancient dating methods to be altered big time (Genesis 6-8).
We're side-stepping the real issue though. The Bible isn't a science textbook. There are different ways to understand Genesis 1 (poetic/symbolic) which fully agree with an Old Earth view. So even if the Earth is proven to be billions of years old, this would not disprove Christianity. The main idea to be gained from Gen. 1 is that God created the universe and everything in it.
If you're really serious about this topic, I commend to you a good book titled I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist. It makes the case that it takes more faith to be an atheist that it does to believe in Jesus Christ.
Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:19 am Reply with quote
I agree with you on this point, Bro. If Genesis is taken poetically / metaphorically, it is not in contradiction to Evolutionary theory. I think what most of those of us who accept evolution find frustrating is the literal interpretation simply because it seems to us that people are accepting ancient theory over a modern one. If, of course, you believe in the Bible as the Word of God, then all of the modern science in the world won't convince you, so it really is a no-win argument... but it's fun, isn't it? 
_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:39 am Reply with quote
I wish we as a species could begin to look for SIMILARITIES between religions instead of focusing so intently on the differences. I mean, instead of saying Jesus is the only way to God, it would be more productive to say Hmm... Jesus would have agreed with Buddha on the following points......
Just a thought.... 
_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Location: Louisville, KY
Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:09 pm Reply with quote
creatrix wrote: I wish we as a species could begin to look for SIMILARITIES between religions instead of focusing so intently on the differences. I mean, instead of saying Jesus is the only way to God, it would be more productive to say Hmm... Jesus would have agreed with Buddha on the following points......
Just a thought.... 
Finding similarities would be a good task. It would definately be interesting to see what everybody in the world can agree on (I'm thinking the list would actually be quite short). Such a study, though, ultimately misses the point. Eternity is a long time, and if my soul is going to last that long, I want to be sure I've got it right before dying.
creatrix wrote: If, of course, you believe in the Bible as the Word of God, then all of the modern science in the world won't convince you, so it really is a no-win argument... but it's fun, isn't it? 
I'm only interested in truth. I'm open to hearing other beliefs (which is why I started this thread), because if what I believe is really true, then a careful look at the evidence will line up with what I believe. But if what I believe is not true, then eventually I'll see how my faith does not answer a particular question, and I'll be forced to reevaluate things. Hear me when I say this: if what I believe is not true, I need to know so I'm not wasting my life. So far (and I've looked into it a lot), I believe there is far more evidence for Christianity than against it. But more often than not, it's people's interpretation of the evidence that contradicts Christianity, which is really no proof at all, but merely another opinion.
Location: London, UK
Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:10 pm Reply with quote
creatrix wrote: I agree with you on this point, Bro. If Genesis is taken poetically / metaphorically, it is not in contradiction to Evolutionary theory. I think what most of those of us who accept evolution find frustrating is the literal interpretation simply because it seems to us that people are accepting ancient theory over a modern one. If, of course, you believe in the Bible as the Word of God, then all of the modern science in the world won't convince you, so it really is a no-win argument... but it's fun, isn't it? 
Well here is another classic example of what I was saying before about some religious interpretations of the Bible being inaccurate or assumptions, which therefore (understandably) lead agnostics and atheists to scorn the whole idea because of what they hear.
There is nothing in the Bible to support the interpretation that the earth itself was created in seven literal days(*), or that the geology is only a few thousand years old - the timescales mentioned earlier as calculated refer to human generations, not the age of the earth or universe, neither of which are specified.
Hence, I get concerned that belief in creation (the principle that an intelligent being actively made the universe) gets confused with "creationism" - specifically, the idea that the earth and/or entire universe is only a few thousand years old and that it was all created in six literal days (24x6 hours).
Often, when you compare what the Bible actually says on certain matters, it contradicts the interpretation imposed on it by orthodox Churches(**), and is far clearer and/or more reasonable than what is taught from the pulpit or claimed by religious people (many of whom, in fairness, have also been taught badly by their own religious leaders).
My general advice to anyone would be: read the Bible for yourself. Even if you only choose to read it as "allegory" or "just a good story", so much of our culture and history (and our laws too) are based on Biblical imagery and concepts (admittedly often distorted too, as mentioned above) so it can only enrich your understanding of life, even if you don't accept it as "gospel" (literally).
It will also better enable you to determine whether the things you are told are in the Bible (whether by atheists criticising, or by religionists attempting to convert/proselytise) really are there or not, or whether they are being made up, misinterpreted or misunderstood.
(*) the word for "day" can refer to an era or general epoch, not only a literal 24 hour period (and even today we use expressions like "in my day" meaning an era, not just 24 hours).
(**)the RC Church's persecution of Galileo is another classic example - the Bible makes no claim that the Earth is the centre of the universe.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
the burning couch
Location: I don't know, but it sure is dark in here
Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:16 pm Reply with quote
I often wonder if Jesus would be annoyed to see his name plastered on the bumper of someones car.
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