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Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:26 pm Reply with quote
Bro you make some interesting points.
My own reason for not believing in Christianity is that I believe that Spiritual and Physical are the same thing. I believe that, with continued study, humanity will come to realize that the spiritual is represented by physical properties that are as yet unknown (quanta). As such, I believe that God is an all-encompasing PHYSICAL being, and therefore governed by physical law. This includes virgin birth and rising from the dead.
That said, miracles like water to wine seem feasible within this construct, so I may need to re-examine my thoughts on virgin birth etc., but animate vs. inanimate is a sticking point for me (although admittedly, perhaps it shouldn't be since my premise is that everything is a single animate entity).
_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:28 pm Reply with quote
the burning couch wrote: I often wonder if Jesus would be annoyed to see his name plastered on the bumper of someones car.
Well, personally, if I was driving around and saw a big CREATRIX bumpersticker, I'd thionk it was pretty dang cool. 
_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:29 pm Reply with quote
creatrix wrote: the burning couch wrote: I often wonder if Jesus would be annoyed to see his name plastered on the bumper of someones car.
Well, personally, if I was driving around and saw a big CREATRIX bumpersticker, I'd thionk it was pretty dang cool. 
I would claim the car as my own
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Louisville, KY
Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:43 pm Reply with quote
creatrix wrote: Bro you make some interesting points. 
Thanks. I try.
Quote: My own reason for not believing in Christianity is that I believe that Spiritual and Physical are the same thing. I believe that, with continued study, humanity will come to realize that the spiritual is represented by physical properties that are as yet unknown (quanta). As such, I believe that God is an all-encompasing PHYSICAL being, and therefore governed by physical law. This includes virgin birth and rising from the dead.
To some extent, I agree. When it comes to us, our bodies and spirits are inextricably connected. For example, our souls can't leave our bodies while we sleep to go out for a midnight stroll. So to that degree, I too believe that the spiritual and physical are very much connected. I disagree, however, that God is physical (as we understand physical). The Bible says that God is everywhere, but he's not everything.[/quote]
Location: London, UK
Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:48 pm Reply with quote
creatrix wrote: Bro you make some interesting points.
My own reason for not believing in Christianity is that I believe that Spiritual and Physical are the same thing. I believe that, with continued study, humanity will come to realize that the spiritual is represented by physical properties that are as yet unknown (quanta). As such, I believe that God is an all-encompasing PHYSICAL being, and therefore governed by physical law. This includes virgin birth and rising from the dead.
That said, miracles like water to wine seem feasible within this construct, so I may need to re-examine my thoughts on virgin birth etc., but animate vs. inanimate is a sticking point for me (although admittedly, perhaps it shouldn't be since my premise is that everything is a single animate entity).
Certainly the spiritual and physical must be in harmony, and hence that's why I can't see the contradiction in things like water-to-wine, virgin birth and so on. Clearly, if there is a Creator with the power over matter, energy, life and so on, then that Creator should have no problem manipulating the basic building blocks of all "stuff" - much as we, as we are beginning to grow, can now manipulate matter, energy, and to an extent life, also. The difference being of course, that this Creator's abilities to shape the surroundings would be far greater than ours is, or is ever likely to be.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:55 pm Reply with quote
Well, physical and spiritual being in harmony is not the same as them being the same thing. I believe they are one and the same, not that they are inextricably connected, as BroChris said or in harmony as HandTool said.ony with each other. That does present a contradiction because I believe God *is* everything.
_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Location: London, UK
Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:59 pm Reply with quote
creatrix wrote: Well, physical and spiritual being in harmony is not the same as them being the same thing. I believe they are one and the same, not that they are inextricably connected, as BroChrissaid or r in harm as HandTooled said.ony with each other. That does present a contradiction because I believe God *is* everything.
Ahh I see. Just to modify what I said - I should've said "inextricably connected" too (better choice of words there from Chris)... "in harmony" is putting it too loosely for what I meant. But yeah, that is a different thing really.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
the burning couch
Location: I don't know, but it sure is dark in here
Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:32 pm Reply with quote
creatrix wrote: the burning couch wrote: I often wonder if Jesus would be annoyed to see his name plastered on the bumper of someones car.
Well, personally, if I was driving around and saw a big CREATRIX bumpersticker, I'd thionk it was pretty dang cool. 
Yeah, ok...but do you think Jesus would be annoyed and if not ,then why?
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:38 pm Reply with quote
1. Anything is part of the universe, and universe is part of everything
2. The spiritual world is often behind our perception, but it is
3. Dont be afraid of the beast as a symbol for evil. Evil is inside you, and just you are able to force it.
Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:54 pm Reply with quote
the burning couch wrote: creatrix wrote: the burning couch wrote: I often wonder if Jesus would be annoyed to see his name plastered on the bumper of someones car.
Well, personally, if I was driving around and saw a big CREATRIX bumpersticker, I'd thionk it was pretty dang cool. 
Yeah, ok...but do you think Jesus would be annoyed and if not ,then why?
Well the way I figure it, if the person driving uses their turn signals correctly, Jesus would be okay with it, but if not, look out! 
_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Location: Tripping the lights Fandango
Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:57 pm Reply with quote
[quote="creatrix"][quote="the burning couch"][quote="creatrix"] the burning couch wrote: I often wonder if Jesus would be annoyed to see his name plastered on the bumper of someones car.
I think he would be more annoyed that people FIght Wars in his Name 
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:02 pm Reply with quote
Did jesus not die rougly 2000 years ago?
the burning couch
Location: I don't know, but it sure is dark in here
Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:06 pm Reply with quote
[quote="Sassy"][quote="creatrix"][quote="the burning couch"] creatrix wrote: the burning couch wrote: I often wonder if Jesus would be annoyed to see his name plastered on the bumper of someones car.
I think he would be more annoyed that people FIght Wars in his Name 
Definitely true.
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:13 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: I'm sorry, Paul, ya just made me choke on my morning coffee.
As a Christian, I imagine yer referring to people like us,
I have to ask--why, if say it actually happened,
life was found on other worlds...
Why do you think that would disprove how man got to be here?
*edit* I'm sorry..
Why do you think it would turn it upside down?
Scion, imagine you grew up thinking your two parents fell in love, got married, and had you as their offspring, and that's what they told you your whole life, then one day there is a knock on the door, and some strangers are standing there, telling you, you're their long lost son, it would turn your world upside down, you would question all the things you had ever been told, this is where I was going with my Alien statement, yes I know that God would have made the aliens also, but it would put into question all the things you had ever been told, no where in the bible does it say that aliens dropped us off from Remulak, and if one day they showed up and said we came from them, pillars would rock, as for life found on other worlds, are you talking about microbes? Remember my rant started from keeping an open mind, I don't personally think aliens dropped us off, but I have entertained the thought, and what it would do to the whole belief system that we have in place, the real problem I have with the bible or any other religious teaching, is that it comes from man, and it's pawned off as coming from God, we all know that man can always have a hidden agenda, and want to do anything to control the masses, sorry about the coffee you choked on, others could react a lot worse if something came to light that was other than what they were taught. Do you now know where I was coming from with this?
And Couch, the bus drivers name is Jesus  His brothers bus is called "Damn it"...
Location: Tripping the lights Fandango
Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:29 pm Reply with quote
Well as I said earlier I am a recovering Catholic and a few things have happened in my life that I was able to shake my Mothers belief and have her believing in reincarnation.
My understanding is that reincarnation was once in the bible (which is mans interpretation of gods word and subject to inaccuracies and CHANGES) like the game of telephone where one person says something and by the time it goes thru 4 people its completely different...Mom did not believe me but I showed her this... you cannot put the FEAR of god into someone if you say "If your bad your next lifetime is gonna suck or your racking up bad Karma" you can't but If I said "If you do that your gonna burn in hell for eternity!".. I now have your attention.Its fear based.
Priests are not allowed to marry but thats not Gods word it was to keep the priests possessions at the time of his crossing in the church so its greed based not God based....
as far as Aliens go...If shit hits the fan here and I am still upright and a Space ship shows up to save me I have no problem going with them as I stay open to ALL possibilities of life....
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