Who did you have to kill to get that? Very freakin nice. What's your plan for it?
My friend went on one of those real African safari's, and he asked me before he left, if I wanted him to find me a piece of ebony, so I said is this a trick question? Sure! So he had his guide go out in the bush and chop chop chop, it was his job, see how i'm keeping the thread on track...chop/job,

He said the game warden came into the camp and saw it, told them they could burn it in the fire, but they could not take it, so when he left, this piece and another older piece went on the caravan, in the picture, you can see where I stripped off the bark, I sliced off a few pieces to see how it worked/polished, I actually have more than a few pieces of this stuff and a lot of Rose Wood & Teak in my shop, ebony is the nicest wood in the world to carve, and it polishes like glass, I can make anything, so I don't know, what do you want me to make out of it, this could be fun, I can take pics as I produce the piece, name something small and not a real pain, I'll decide

we may need to start another thread
That is sweet Mikey