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Location: London, UK
Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:42 am Reply with quote
splodge wrote: doing my best to stay out of it, but if anfa can say fuck you loosers, i can say:
fuck you all, how dare you ignore science, how dare you ignore fact, i know i'll delete this in the morning, but, GOD??? we have all been worshiping something in the skys for as long as ppl have been around, 100.000 years) but reasantly (last 1000 years things have gone down hill),,,,,,,,,,,,, 1000 not 2000,you god fearing
arseholes think they invented religion, trust me, you are the new kids on the block, pagans rock
Haha! Well since you're pulling that one - that's a pretty sweeping assumption that all believers in a God ignore science and fact (not to mention that "fact" is often a fluid concept anyway - much of what was considered "fact" by ancient pagan cultures has been disproved by science since the enlightenment just as much as myths perpetuated by the major faiths have been...)
Besides, just because pagan concepts have been around since the early days of mankind - a lot longer than many deity-based beliefs - doesn't mean there isn't a God or gods ... after all, when we are little children we're unaware of much of the world around us for years, but that doesn't mean the things we don't know about don't exist... and as the opponents of the Bible and Judeo-Christian religions are only too quick to point out, age in itself isn't proof of factual accuracy or truth...
"Paganism" in its various forms is just another form of religious belief (albeit a very old one), since it also depends on "faith" and specific interpretations of the world around us.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: Tripping the lights Fandango
Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:20 am Reply with quote
I is the weekend So..
I believe I will have a few Drinks... 
Location: The United Kingdom!
Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:11 am Reply with quote
how have we gone down hill in the past thousand years...
We have technology...
We have knowledge (some more than other)
We have updated laws.
We have trade on an international scale.
They had 1 camel power we have the capability of 1000 hoarse power and thats not the best road vehicles... i mean a jet has enough thrust to throw a car off the road., my shitty bike has 14 horses. still pull joe nobody who thinks they can hang on to stop it, down the road no problem.
Everybody knows how to make a primative wing so that they can fly... 1000 years ago it would take thier best minds years to do what we could look up in a day...
we can make a battery out of a lemon and they couldnt spell battery. because most of them couldnt read.
most of them did not have some form of medication. medical back then was bore a hole in your head to let the demons out.
I mean we can throw fire. direct electricity at sombody. throw water with enough force to stop a mob of people. thorw projectiles like at speeds they couldn't... shoot through a house
make machines which can crush metel like paper. we make toys to amuse us that have the capability of out thinking the greatest chess players, we play VR games. which arnt real but 1000 years ago they wouldnt know what to do wih it. or spell VR
At war back theen everybody had to join now its aa case of aa few men. soon everything will be UAV via remote.
The digital age is in no way comparable to the iron age.
heres somthing interesting,... there were cave paintings found during the ice age..
you know when the ice age is right.
40... THOUSAND years ago... thats 34 thousand years before the bible timeline says the earth was made.
Location: London, UK
Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:42 am Reply with quote
Increases in knowledge, advancements in technology and medicine and so on, do not by themselves make mankind better. In the most advanced century so far - the 20th - we had two world wars, Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden (and of course all their followers) and so on and so on... We had Spanish flu, AIDS and now various drug-resistant forms of previously controllable diseases. In the 'civilised' western world in particular, we have huge levels of depression, dissatisfaction, disillusionment, cynicism, negativity, insecurity and so on.
Of course, many areas of life have improved over the centuries. But in many others, the problems and ethical challenges are still there, they've simply changed their nature. The human being is still basically the same with all his or her fears, mistakes, prejudices, arrogances, and other flaws. Look back through any historical period, from the most recent to the most distant and you'll see jealousy, revenge, suicide, madness, terror, violence, poverty, cruelty and so on - none of the massive advances/changes in human society has ended or even really stemmed all these things.
Everything we make or manipulate, while reflecting or enhancing our positive qualities, also reflects and enhances our negative and self-destructive ones too.
Marx-Man wrote: 40... THOUSAND years ago... thats 34 thousand years before the bible timeline says the earth was made.
Once again, you're buying into the myth that the Bible says the Earth was made 6 thousand years ago. It doesn't, as even a cursory reading of Genesis makes clear.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: London, UK
Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:52 am Reply with quote
Increases in knowledge, advancements in technology and medicine and so on, do not by themselves make mankind better. In the most advanced century so far - the 20th - we had two world wars, Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden (and of course all their followers) and so on and so on... We had Spanish flu, AIDS and now various drug-resistant forms of previously controllable diseases. In the 'civilised' western world in particular, we have huge levels of depression, dissatisfaction, disillusionment, cynicism, negativity, insecurity and so on.
Of course, many areas of life have improved over the centuries. But in many others, the problems and ethical challenges are still there, they've simply changed their nature. The human being is still basically the same with all his or her fears, mistakes, prejudices, arrogances, and other flaws. Look back through any historical period, from the most recent to the most distant and you'll see jealousy, revenge, suicide, madness, terror, violence, poverty, cruelty and so on - none of the massive advances/changes in human society has ended or even really stemmed all these things.
Everything we make or manipulate, while reflecting or enhancing our positive qualities, also reflects and enhances our negative and self-destructive ones too. As you hinted at above, think of the ever-present threats of nuclear holocaust, accident and/or global terrorism of the last 50 years or so, and of the potential for seriously altering the natural balance of our planet from mass industrialisation since the 18th century, for example. These are potential dangers that are far greater than anything we could have threatened our species or planet with years ago. And there are still more question marks over the what the long term effects of our lifestyles right now might be - large-scale electronic communication, disposal of toxic waste, bio-engineering, genetically modified food products...
Marx-Man wrote: 40... THOUSAND years ago... thats 34 thousand years before the bible timeline says the earth was made.
Once again, you're buying into the myth that the Bible says the Earth was made 6 thousand years ago. It doesn't, as even a cursory reading of Genesis makes clear.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: London, UK
Sat Jan 13, 2007 9:09 am Reply with quote
Marx-Man wrote: ahem the most advanced century so far is the 21st
Once again, you're buying into the myth that the Bible says the Earth was made 6 thousand years ago. It doesn't, as even a cursory reading of Genesis makes clear
isnt the bible a myth book anyways
No, the 21st century hasn't been a full century yet. Only 7 years (or 6 depending on when you count it from  ) - if we have a global war or get hit by a comet by 2020, then that might make the rest of the century turn out a lot less advanced than the 20th century was... 
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: The United Kingdom!
Sat Jan 13, 2007 9:12 am Reply with quote
... .. is... didnt say it was.. i said it is..
technology is at its peak.. and you even said we are in the 21st century so what the hell.
your saying we arnt in the 21st century until its finished... what the fuck
" the most advanced state of technology is the current state..." which is in the 21st century...
if we get hit by a comet it wont change the fact the 21st century is the most advanced it will just mean it will have been cut short.
Location: London, UK
Sat Jan 13, 2007 9:41 am Reply with quote
lol - At this rate I think BroChris is gonna come at me and MarxMan with his baseball bat for getting into "BASHING" territory here...
Marx-Man wrote: ... :s
technology is at its peak.. and you even said we are in the 21st century so what the hell.
your saying we arnt in the 21st century until its finished... what the fuck
" the most advanced state of technology is the current state..." which is in the 21st century...
if we get hit by a comet it wont change the fact the 21st century is the most advanced it will just mean it will have been cut short
Ok, so you're saying we've 'advanced' so far in the last 6-7 years that we've undone/erased all of the issues I mentioned from the 20th century? I think you're getting a little caught up with the issue of dates and missing the crucial point of what I was saying. Oh well.
Marx-Man wrote: i read the old testriment before i threw it away unlike most christians who dont read the bible i had to and yes there are references to dates
Well, that's a good start - as you said, a lot of so-called Christians don't even bother to do that. And let's face it, nor do most agnostics, atheists or sceptics. I'm surprised you managed to find "references to dates" in there though... you only begin to find references to dates well after the account of creation, and even then it's usually in the form of statements such as "in the tenth year of King Thingummybob of Someplace, while King Whossat was on the throne in Someotherplace"... events which interestingly, archaeologists have often found very accurate in recording settlement of cities and the reigns of ancient rulers.
I think there's a misunderstanding here about time periods and dates. The Bible mentions the lifespans of the early characters, but not fixed dates. The calculations made by some for working out the age of mankind (usually put about 4000 years) are made by working backwards from historically proven dates (eg the Jewish return from Babylonian exile) and subtracting the various lifespans back as far as Adam.
While it's possible to develop beliefs about the age of humankind only being a few thousand years old from that (and yes, I know that is controversial of course), it's not possible to show the Bible claims the Earth is only a few thousand years old. Nowhere does it indicate how long a time period elapsed between the creation of the universe and planets and when living creatures were created, nor how long between the different stages of creation - plants, animal kingdom, man, etc.
I would dissect the errors in the links you sent, but I think Chris wouldn't appreciate me waffling on any more on the specifics haha... suffice to say:
1) a lot of the assumptions made by critics about what creationism asserts are not actually what Biblical creation claims or states - they are misinterpretations put on it by some who claim to follow the Bible, and
2) for the same sort of reasons, lists of failed prophecies or predictions by those claiming to speak from God do not themselves prove the Bible false, especially since many of the claimed predictions themselves contradict what the Bible says (again, remember what I said about the RC Church and Galileo - a proper reading of the Bible supports Galileo's finding more than it does the then-Church teaching - that the earth is but one planet among many, "hanging on nothing", not the centre of the universe, or fixed in place by pillars, giant turtles, Atlas or any other ancient mythological belief)
I think I'd better stop now or I'll have used up my quota for all forum posts for the year... 
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: The United Kingdom!
Sat Jan 13, 2007 10:02 am Reply with quote
HandToolUK wrote: #
Ok, so you're saying we've 'advanced' so far in the last 6-7 years that we've undone/erased all of the issues I mentioned from the 20th century? I think you're getting a little caught up with the issue of dates and missing the crucial point of what I was saying. Oh well.
Well, that's a good start - as you said, a lot of so-called Christians don't even bother to do that. And let's face it, nor do most agnostics, atheists or sceptics. I'm surprised you managed to find "references to dates" in there though... you only begin to find references to dates well after the account of creation, and even then it's usually in the form of statements such as "in the tenth year of King Thingummybob of Someplace, while King Whossat was on the throne in Someotherplace"... events which interestingly, archaeologists have often found very accurate in recording settlement of cities and the reigns of ancient rulers.
I think there's a misunderstanding here about time periods and dates. The Bible mentions the lifespans of the early characters, but not fixed dates. The calculations made by some for working out the age of mankind (usually put about 4000 years) are made by working backwards from historically proven dates (eg the Jewish return from Babylonian exile) and subtracting the various lifespans back as far as Adam.
While it's possible to develop beliefs about the age of humankind only being a few thousand years old from that (and yes, I know that is controversial of course), it's not possible to show the Bible claims the Earth is only a few thousand years old.
it reallly is easy to tell how old the earth is...
it really is easy to se how evolution works...
thereis a fossil record dating back beofre the bible claims the eath was made...
the earth itself has evedenc of growth and techtonic plate movement,
the bible was written by a person for people to ciam things which make answers easier.. and arguing about it may or may not be true wont change the compelling evidence for it being a pack of lies...
yes its bursting the bubbles of small children everywhere who want to live in fiction but fiction wont save your live. and certainly is not a healthy way to live it. accidents dont happen with religonz, its all part of a plan.. well if it is why punish people for your plan... its all i mean its not just christianity.. the fact there is more than one religion makes it clearly plain and easy to comprehend that none of them are right... they are all baed off of one basing it self off another.. because people... as in flawed human beings who thought the world was flat and snails were melting said i want a reigon where i dont have to pray every day looking to the east ok lets make some changes hows every sunday.. ok ill write the book based on the old one.
Yes the bible referencs snails melting,
PSA 58:8 As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun.
snails dont melt...
and... oh wait this my favourate
GAL 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
GAL 6:5 For every man shall bear his own burden.
...who's guilty again thats right everyone for everything.
but thats not the best one..
ISA 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
MAT 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
wait what flat shapes the earth again.. oh its a sphere but they didnt know that... god would have and the devil would have surely known it its a bag of bullshit media
Sat Jan 13, 2007 10:34 am Reply with quote
Marx-Man wrote:
You have to consider the fact that this is a line from the King James version of the Bible. It is in no way a perfect translation of the bible. Their are a number of translations for this peritcular line, for example: as the creeping snail that smears its track.. Quite a difference and far more realistic.
This illustrates the fact a bit where the problem is with people who live their life literally or based upon the writing in their version of a 'bible' (whether it be the OT, NT, Koran, or whatever book it may be).
The problem with lots of text in these books is that most of the original transcripts are lost, mistranslated or wrongly interpreted in the course of translating and copying.
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: East Coast!
Sat Jan 13, 2007 10:59 am Reply with quote
I believe the earth was created in 7 literal days (morning and evening)
I don't know how old the earth is but I don't believe its billions of years old. I'd say 10,000 is pretty close.
Marx, You keep saying that dating disproves the biblical timeline.
How do you know that the dating is correct?
Carbon14 dating relys on the atmosphere being exactly the same then as it is today.
Seeing as live clams have been dated 27,000 years old and penguins 6,000 I dont think carbon dating is very accurate.
_________________ Look out behind you!
Location: The United Kingdom!
Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:17 am Reply with quote
you dont need carbon dating you can see the age of the eart by a crust sample... like a tree the layers of the crust gives away its age... as more plant life grows replacing soil...
carbon dating works by radiation... an atomic clock is the most accurate clock you can have and works by decay.
but saying carbon dating is inaccurate past the n'th year
but it has infact been proven by crust sampling thaat the ice age was 40'000 years ago.. and that the jurassic was millions of years before that...
i mean go to a museum and ask them how they know they will give you all the details and leave you with alot of unanswerable questions in the face of religion....
i wouldn't have though grefix would jump to save thhe bible.. but ok... the origional bible was written by a person... how do you like them apples...
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:33 am Reply with quote
FootFungas wrote: I believe the earth was created in 7 literal days (morning and evening)
I don't know how old the earth is but I don't believe its billions of years old. I'd say 10,000 is pretty close.
are u serious FF?
Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:33 am Reply with quote
Marx-Man wrote: i wouldn't have though grefix would jump to save thhe bible.. but ok... the origional bible was written by a person... how do you like them apples...
My point was something completely different. Not defending the bible or anything. Just pointing out your arguments were not valid as you were basing them on a particular translation. No more, no less.
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
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